Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.
I experienced this, where when I already had money I don't know why the thought came to me to buy something that was not planned before, and I spontaneously bought it without thinking. but when I already had an item, sometimes I also thought why I bought it even though it was not very important to me this is due to our lack of self-control, especially in money management and I think this may often happen to everyone.
I agree with you, it's better not to enjoy the present but in the future there is something to see or enjoy. there is nothing wrong with pampering yourself like doing things that you really like, and that is one of the things that really needs to be done to make yourself happy. of course our future is in ourselves, I can see many people who don't think about their future because most of them still think about a luxurious lifestyle. and of course this makes them not think about their future. whereas to have a good future, of course, it must be prepared from now on.
Awarenes has to come from oneself, and I think when other people advise us, while we're doing well and have never experienced anything that we regret in the end, all that advice will come out of the right ear and keep coming out of the left ear.
We learn from our previous experiences and mistakes, it's the ultimate way to make ourselves realize that we need to think more about the future.
I am very sure that the person who now looks like he is enjoying his old age is someone who worked hard and maybe left his youthful life to prepare for something in the future. it is certainly not for the preparation that we will enjoy ourselves, but we also prepare it for our descendants later.