Fake it, until you make it.
if you can fake it for free is the stipulation
EG just turn up to a mansion on a 'open day' viewing and pretend its yours..
EG stand beside a nice car in the streets parked up, and pretend its yours
but dont take out a loan.. thats even worse then spending your own money to please others
at very most, just airbnb a mansion for a night. rent a sports car for a day, economy flight to a exotic weekend
if you want to be a successful influencer.. learn about what you are trying to promote and learn who your viewership is
if you want to entertain people about a certain topic. LEARN THE TOPIC
become creatively knowledgeable about the subject and monetise your knowledge
dont take out loans to present the rich life of a clean mansion if you are then trying to sell a kitchen sink scrubdaddy sponge
instead find a grotty dilapidated empty home on an open day and scrub that kitchen sink clean on camera
4. Go for knowledge: Always consider yourself ignorant and learn from people. Read books because that is where knowledge lies, and it's one of the hobbies of the rich, so build up that habit.
not so much
if you play ignorant you stay ignorant. as evidenced dozens of times by what i refer to idiots on this forum
to gain knowledge is the show of willingness to learn. not ignoring/playing dumb and staying in that zone
how i became successful is by not to just following the sheep rhetoric/advice. but seek out the meaning of things behind the advice
EG in trading. when influencers shout "buy" learn quickly they want idiots to pump,so the influencer can dump
no one shouts out their plan as it then forms competition. so they shout out the opposite of the plan to benefit from ignorance so the influencer can get better deals at other peoples losses
there is no point in faking/showing off a lavish lifestyle because apart from emotional "wow well done" you wont receive income from just presenting a rich life. you actually have to put effort into things.
many idiots hear how celebrities get free stuff. so idiots fake being rich hoping to get free stuff. but if you search the internet of stories told by businesses about idiot influencers cold calling businesses saying "gimme something and ill get you 'likes'" most businesses these days just laugh and hang up
if you are putting luxuries on credit cards/taking out loans just to appear rich to fake it.. the admiration from viewers wont pay the interest payments at the end of the month.. you actually have to learn something and provide something others want to buy from you, even advertisers prefer youtubers that provide proper content, not snobby lifestyles