If its really very urgent then i will ask my friends for help and get some loan from them and continue to search for work and will pay then whenever is will earn some amount.
There is a so called instant income where you will get your salary on that day but it's not on regular basis. There work are called daily freelance or the term here in our country, "on called" jobs.
It's not fit as a solution for an urgent needs because like I said it's not on regular basis.
Well where i live they dont allow to have more then one job, atleast not registed, and the most compaies doesnt accept you if you are working already at another place. There are few people with more then one job, even if they wanna an extra source then need to search something nobody wanna to be and even those may not accept you. I had tryed to get the second work, but all companies saying i need to be registed.