Aside from spending wisely, one must learn how to save money too. In that way, you will have something to use in time of financial needs. It is 100% proven that people who learned how to save have seldom issue with money. Or never been in a situation where he is in desperate need of money because he have a savings that will cover an urgent need for finance.
I agree, not only save but invest. Not only consuming but investing. Also if you have extra cash buy some jewelries so that in time of need, you can pawned this to pawnshop without bothering other person.Just a backup only in time of financial emergency.
Yes buying jewelry is also a good investment though because you could always use thi when you do have shortage of monye. You could really use it in times of emergencies. As we all know jewelries do have decent value and you are right if we have this things we dont bother others to borrow money because you already have support when you are really in need of money.