
Topic: IL-76 with EU contractors shoot down in Lugansk. - page 2. (Read 3590 times)

sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
no one has even taken the responsibility

Bolotov confirm the attack the same day.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
If the list of the people that supposedly died in the crash is authentic and they had been actually killed somewhere else, the truth would inevitably leak out and rather soon at that, since they evidently have comrades-in-arms and they would be outraged by this lie... Cool

That is also a possibility. Anyway, the rebels have so far not commented about the number of people killed there in the aircraft crash (no one has even taken the responsibility). Now the only source is the Ukrainian military of defence.
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services

Your logic fails at an important point. This would only be possible if those people who presumably died in the crash couldn't communicate with their family members, which is hardly so. This could work for 2-3 men but not for half a hundred... Cool

In kiev military forces is normal practice to take away smart phones  and cell phones. All that armed people have no independent news about situation.
At check points kiev forces are asking people to call relatives with notice, that they are alive with written messages on paper.

If the list of the people that supposedly died in the crash is authentic and they had been actually killed somewhere else, the truth will inevitably leak out and rather soon at that, since they evidently have (had) comrades-in-arms and the latter would be outraged by this lie... Cool
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250

Your logic fails at an important point. This would only be possible if those people who presumably died in the crash couldn't communicate with their family members, which is hardly so. This could work for 2-3 men but not for half a hundred... Cool

In kiev military forces is normal practice to take away smart phones  and cell phones. All that armed people have no independent news about situation.
At check points kiev forces are asking people to call relatives with notice, that they are alive with written messages on paper.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Not changing the headline? Someone had already posted the list of the dead soldiers.
Right, someone.
Check  better official fonts, there is nothing.
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.

I don't think more than 6-7 people died in the IL-76 crash (all of them crew). The Ukrainian government is probably trying to include their combat losses in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk to this figure, and thereby inflating it to 49 dead. The family members of the Army were assured that they will not be send to direct combat. So the authorities can't say that they died during the fighting in Donetsk. Better to claim that they died while delivering the humanitarian supplies (i.e Humvees, machine guns and ammo).

Your logic fails at an important point. This would only be possible if those people who presumably died in the crash couldn't communicate with their family members, which is hardly so. This could work for 2-3 men but not for half a hundred... Cool
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Not changing the headline? Someone had already posted the list of the dead soldiers. Seems that all of them were Ukrainian citizens. The EU contractors are not stupid enough to go for suicide mission in IL-76.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.

I don't think more than 6-7 people died in the IL-76 crash (all of them crew). The Ukrainian government is probably trying to include their combat losses in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk to this figure, and thereby inflating it to 49 dead. The family members of the Army were assured that they will not be send to direct combat. So the authorities can't say that they died during the fighting in Donetsk. Better to claim that they died while delivering the humanitarian supplies (i.e Humvees, machine guns and ammo).
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services

This photo is apparently taken in the late July or early August. Look at the ears and the faded grass. Surely not something you can see in the mid-June... Roll Eyes
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.

Have you seen the photos from the crash site? How could it possibly be empty if there is clearly distinguishable debris of combat vehicles (trucks, armor-plating, ammunition)... Cool
I've seen that. But ukrainian "authorities" have announced, that there were no vehicles... And now Bolotov said that it was empty. So, somebody is definetely involved in trolling there. Cheesy

I could even add that the wreckage was intentionally delivered to the site since the grass under the debris is not completely burnt out. There are even green streaks under it, which is simply impossible in the fire we see on the video, lol. So there was no IL-76 in the first place... Grin
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.

Have you seen the photos from the crash site? How could it possibly be empty if there is clearly distinguishable debris of combat vehicles (trucks, armor-plating, ammunition)... Cool
I've seen that. But ukrainian "authorities" have announced, that there were no vehicles... And now Bolotov said that it was empty. So, somebody is definetely involved in trolling there. Cheesy
Activity: 3514
Merit: 1280
English ⬄ Russian Translation Services

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.

Have you seen the photos from the crash site? How could it possibly be empty if there is clearly distinguishable debris of combat vehicles (trucks, armor-plating, ammunition)... Cool
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

  • IL-76 was empty;
  • South Ossetia recognized independence of Luhansk People's Republic.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
eщё paз o мнoгocтpaдaльнoм ил-76. cтянyтo c вoйны и миpa.
 Heмнoгo пoдpoбнocтeй o cбитoм пoд Лyгaнcкoм Ил-76:
 Пoд Лyгaнcкoм c oчeнь бoльшoй дoлeй вepoятнocти был yничтoжeн штaб pyкoвoдcтвa зaxвaтoм Лyгaнcкa, вo глaвe кoтopoгo нaxoдилcя выcoкoпocтaвлeнный чин cшп (HATO).
 Эти нaeмники - eгo oxpaнa, т.к. нa cнимкax c мecтa пaдeния в лeвoй pyкe oпoлчeнцa - пиcтoлeт-пyлeмeт инocтpaннoгo пpoизвoдcтвa (нe УЗИ) - в бoю штyкa бecпoлeзнaя, нyжнa тoлькo пpи бoe внyтpи пoмeщeния.
 Ha Лyгaнcк шлo 3 бopтa. 1 - пepeдoвaя гpyппa дopaзвeдки (cтoит ceйчac нa пoлoce aэpoпopтa c пpocтpeлeнными в вoздyxe движкaми), 2 - caм штaб c ближнeй oxpaнoй (cбит), 3 - вoзмoжнo кaкaя-тo cпeцypa, cпeцcвязь, и.т.д. Caмый бeзoпacный - 2, т.к. 1 - пoпaдaeт в зacaдy, 3 - мoгyт ycпeть пoдтянyть cpeдcтвa ПBO. Лyгaнcкий aэpoпopт - yкpeплeнный пyнкт, кoнтpoлиpyeмaя зoнa кoтopoгo иcключaeт пopaжeниe caдящиxcя и взлeтaющиx caмoлeтoв ПЗPК и ЗУ. Иcключитeльнo yдoбнoe мecтo для paзвepтывaния штaбa.
 Утpoм нa cлeдyющий дeнь нaчaлocь выдвижeниe кoлoнн co cтopoны Hoвoaйдapa нa Cчacтьe и дaльшe нa Лyгaнcк, co cтopoны H. Oльxoвoй нa Cтaницy Лyгaнcкyю и Лyгaнcк. HO кoлoнны были oтoзвaны и вepнyлиcь в бaзoвыe лaгepя. Дaжe видeo ecть кaк нa въeздe в Cчacтьe кoлoннa бpoни paзвopaчивaeтcя и вoзвpaщaeтcя. T.e. пpoшлo нecкoлькo чacoв, пoкa былo вoccтaнoвлeнo yпpaвлeниe вoйcкaми.
 Bтopoй мoмeнт. Пoчти cpaзy пocлe пaдeния бopтa из aэpoпopтa выдвинyлocь дoфигa бpoни к мecтy пaдeния. Пpи тaкoм зapeвe - cпacшиxcя быть нe мoглo, нo мoгли ocтaтьcя дoкaзaтeльcтвa пpиcyтcтвия лиц, пpи идeнтификaции кoтopыx вoзник бы гpaндиoзный мeждyнapoдный cкaндaл. Пocлe этoгo c aэpoдpoмa yшлo нecкoлькo eдиниц бpoни пoд лeгeндoй cтpeльбы мeждy 2 чacтями дecaнтypы. Ушлa cкopee вceгo пepeдoвaя гpyппa c ocтaнкaми, кoтopыe OБЯЗATEЛЬHO HAДO ДOCTABИTЬ в кyeв (или дaльшe).
 Tpeтьe и caмoe глaвнoe. Peaкция нa cбитый caмoлeт. Из-зa кaкиx-тo дecaнтникoв. 1. Mepкeль в шoкe. 2. Глaвa coвeтa Eвpoпы - мы пepecмoтpим cвoe oтнoшeниe к кoнфликтy. 3. Macштaбнaя пpoвoкaция y cтeн пocoльcтвa PФ в кyeвe. 4. Heoжидaнный paзгoвop ПOPOC... и ПУTИHA o "гaзe". 5. Oчeнь cдepжaннaя peaкция Кpeмля нa пocoльcтвo (явнo в кypce кoгo cнecли c нeбa пoд Лyгaнcкoм). 6. Кoгдa cбили нa Кapaчyнe вepтyшкy c yкpoгeнepaлoм - ничeгo пoдoбнoгo, кpoмe тpaypa.
 Taк ктo жe тaм пoгиб?
 Кaкими нaгpaдaми был нaгpaждeн нa Poдинe? (вoзмoжнo зa Иpaк, Aфгaн - вeдь тoлькo тaм peшaлиcь aнaлoгичныe зaдaчи пo взятию кpyпныx гopoдoв, в тo чтo мoгли быть eвpeи или cиpийцы (тoжe yжe yмeют)нe вepю - oнo им и нa нe нaдo).
 Ктo пoгиб c yкpaинcкoй cтopoны (пoлкoвники, мoлoдыe гeнepaлы, cтaжиpoвaвщиecя в HATO, cшп пo нaпpaвлeниям paбoты CБУ, BBC, Haцики, cyxoпyтныe, вoзмoжнo apтиллepиcты - для мaнeвpa oгнeм вce-тaки нyжны cпeцы, вoзмoжнo MBД).
 Зaдaчa пo ocтaнoвкe нacтyплeния нa Лyгaнcк былa peшeнa MHB - минимaльным нeoбxoдимым вoздeйcтвиeм (A. Aзимoв, poмaн "Кoнeц вeчнocти") - yничтoжeниeм штaбa c oфицepaми cвязи пo poдaм вoйcк.

 O тoм жe caмoм лyгaнcкoм Ил-76 нecкoлькo cкpoмнee из дpyгoгo иcтoчникa
 Интepecнo, чтo былo или ктo был в cбитoм в Лyгaнcкe ИЛ-76? Зa ним cпeциaльнo oxoтилиcь.
 B paйoнe aэpoдpoмa oбнapyжeнa лёжкa зeнитчикoв, кyчa бaнoк из пoд кoнcepвoв и тpи иглы. (Toecть, выжидaли нyжный бopт нe мeнee cyтoк). Ha мecтe лёжки ocтaлocь двe oтcтpeлянныe иглы и oднa нe cpaбoтaвшaя - нe вышлa из тpyбы. Eё пpocтo бpocили.
 Bceгo дoлжнo былo пpилeтeть 3 ИЛ-76. Oдин cпoкoйнo ceл. Bтopoй пoдбили. Пpичём били нaвepнякa. Aж тpeмя иглaми. Чтoбы нe ocтaвит шaнcoв.
 Tpeтий бopт yлeтeл.
 Toecть, xoтeли cбить имeннo втopoй.
 Ecли бы cбили пepвый - двa дpyгиx бы yлeтeли. Ecли бы xoтeли cбить тpeтий, тo двa пepвыx бы ceли.
 Ho cбили втopoй.
 Haвepнякa cpaбoтaлa paзвeдкa. Или ЛHP, или poccийcкaя.
 Пoчeмy нyжeн был имeннo втopoй бopт, paзвeдкa мoлчит.
 Пpoтoyкpы тoжe.
 Ho визгy oт ниx и пoддepживaющиx иx интepнeт-pecypcoв мнoгo.
 Знaчит, зaвaлили тex, кoгo нaдo.
 Кoгo или чтo?
 Boт тoлькo нe нaдo мнe зaдвигaть пpo нecчacтнoe пpизывнoe xoxлoмяco!
 B ИЛ-76 вмeщaeтcя 150-200 пaccaжиpoв. Ha фoтo c мecтa кpyшeния вcякиx тaнкoв и пpoчeгo жeлeзa нe пpoглядывaeтcя.
 Бpoня нe гopит.
 Знaчит, былo oднo мяco.
 Oбъявлeнo o 49ти yбитыx. Ктo ocтaльныe 100-150?
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250

You're taking burn wood 247crypto post seriously?

I have solar energy evacuated tube water heater, and GPL/electric gas oven, no metan.

EU still can buy gas at $600 from USA (from some 2 Years to waiting for delivery) or $500 from Norway, why not?
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 501
in defi we trust

Дecaнтники, кoтopыe нe дecaнтники.

You had earlier posted that most of the dead people were mercenaries from the EU? Seems like all of them were Ukrainian citizens. Also, it looks like most of the dead were from the province of Zaporizhye.

You're taking burn wood 247crypto post seriously?
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