EDIT: I've added some coins to the balance (I expect many more before the end of the week), and the limits are increased faster with each purchase. In order to avoid problems with Paypal you will see that the expression "Buy BTC" is omitted. Instead of that, the user pays to enter the "Hall of Fame", where the Bitcoin will be shown with a link to the transaction (Blockexplorer). This is just a measure to defend agains fraudulent chargebacks.
---- Now the original post ;-)
I have finished my electronic Bitcoin store, which accepts payments through Paypal. In order to keep away scammers and stay in business I have implemented some security measures to avoid fraud. I believe that succeeding in distributing Bitcoins through Paypal will enormously help to spread this e-currency, and thus the battle against scammers is worth waging*.
What Bitcoin Faucet do is admirable (they give something for nothing!), but naturally now it's mostly dried up (it gave me 0.02 BTC last week, and one cannot do much with such a small amount and transaction fees). My service is mainly (but not exclusively) for people who, like me, wanted to check how Bitcoin works but do not feel very confortable with wire transfers, specially for amounts of $10.
I have tested it in the Paypal sandbox and it seems to work fine. But I could not test it with actual Paypal since I cannot purchase anything being sold with the same account. It should work, but it is not 100% sure (the worst it can happen is an error message BEFORE the payment). So, I kindly ask you to be the testers of this service. As a compensation, the prices are noticeably lower than the market prices. I am losing money with each transfer, so if you decide to test it, please give me some feedback ;-)
All the procedure should be completely automated, anyway, I will stay alert to the database and my email, if some of you have problems.
I would really appreciate your feedback in some aspects:
1) About your answer to the hypothetical question: "If I were a scammer, how could I bypass these security measures"?
2) Your view on the limit of BTC per user per day (the limit increases with the number of purchases).
3) Of course, if you had any problems.
So I invite you to try the service at
http://www.donotcompare.com and make purchases ;-)
*I don't think we should blame Paypal for being afraid of scammers, I'm sure I would do the same if I were in their place. Their business is to handle payments, not to close successful stores. Of course, if they feel risk, they go out (after all it's our business, not theirs). My approach is to be to be as transparent as possible, explaining the user what is he paying for and what he acknowledge to accept as proof of delivery. In addition, in the paypal transaction will be written the address of destination.
P.S.:If you want to make a donation, please do it to this address 1F2xS8PuygQjjy3gSCy3ikSgfsZNQp5QeY (the balance will be automatically updated in some minutes).
The reason why I do not put $1 = 1 BTC is to (a) avoid running out of coins too fast and (b) to paid somehow the server and the SMS gateway. At this stage I am no earning money with the service. Not during the BETA stage and not, of course, with your donations.