Do you ever feel like that being after saving or investing for future you forget to live in the present? You don't buy the things you want to or don't go after experiences you want because you'd rather save/invest for future instead.
In as much as saving is good it doesn't warrant you not having/living a good live. I mean you have to live for the present before the future if you're not alive today how can you then live in the future your investing/or saving for, one can not always invest in every circumstances or event you have to always get the
essential needs. That you have to spend on yourself or take care of yourself does not mean spending unnecessarily or living a luxurious/or extravagant life.
Additionally, what is the future? Your future is your next minute not even exactly what we in our subjective reality see it to be, every minute of our live that we do not know or can not predict is a future because years or months before today you called today a future so live your live now because you don't know tomorrow. This is a popular saying that "Nobody knows tomorrow" so why suffer so much when you have it already just for the fact that you wanna save for a future! Nah!.
Invest but don't die while investing. In my country there is what is popularly known as "next of kin" this does not just mean the normal next of kin but there is an extraordinary meaning attached to it, if you don't spend or take of yourself today (present life) one next of kin who do not know how you suffered to make this money or investments will spend it all when you're no more. So be wise and not be over conscious of the future.