"In times of Crisis and uncertanities toilet paper can be new currency" - If human society accepts toilet paper as money and believes that these pieces of paper have value that allows for commodity-money circulation, then toilet paper can become a new currency.
Money is a medium of exchange and it doesn't matter what is used as that medium, be it shells, a piece of yellow metal or binary code on a blockchain.
Yes it's very valuble it's limited source but it can be working as currency and while world is full of crisis and more need to be printed some currencies Will value like wc paper.
Non-stop currency printing is an inevitability of the modern economic model.
It's funny but let's look the good currency have value and people need this and If fiat currency becomes devalued or low value then it has Even less value than real soft toilet paper.
I suppose that in some African countries 1 kg of toilet paper is more expensive than 1 kg of local money. So, you're right.
Imagine in your village something happens then Im sure you can use to exchange toilet paper to food becouse toilet paper have Same value as oil food or some other commodities and in times of Crisis toilet paper value it's even higher.
In this case, toilet paper is used as an equivalent to money. In some situations, this role is played by cigarettes, alcohol, etc. It is fundamentally unimportant what kind of product will perform the function of money.
So i bought a lot that in my basement lol ...i can borrow this with % and set up the local exchange rate in case for Crisis Im not expecting to see Crisis but Im just telling that's good valueble Asset.
Open a toilet paper exchange for trading with leverage. If these quotes collapse, then their unfortunate owner will at least be left with at least something (paper) to console his grief.