id move to washing my butt if retail superstores stopped stocking certain items.
in real times of crises food is more essential. meat and potatos become king currencies
in times of national security crisis. weapons, shelter become crucial..
toilet paper is not top of the list. its more of a convenience/luxury, not a life survival necessity
ud be better off stocking up on tinned veg and tinned meat
in last couple years alone tinned soup in the UK went from 40p (50c) to £1.30 ($1.50)
so thats a 3x mark up
toilet paper didnt really get hit hard by inflation.
(£0.38p a roll to £0.42p a role over same time scale (0.1x))
If you toilet paper away then people will go grazy tell them stay home and wear masks they don't mind.
Nowdays toilet paper have become very needed asset.
Do you remember? When there was toilet paper shorttages on need? People went panic buying.
So it is important.