Terima kasih link-nya;
Dari data pada link web tersebut saya lihat rata-rata biaya transaksi Bitcoin tertinggi dalam catatan history hingga saat ini terjadi pada 21 April 2021 lalu.
tapi klo untuk Average Block time akan selalu berada dikisaran 10 Menit, karena setiap 2016 block ditemukan difficulty mining akan berubah dimana jika avg block time dibawah 10 menit maka Difficulty akan bertambah dan jika avg block time diatas 10 menit maka Difficulty mining akan berkurang.
Pertanyaannya mengapa average Block time harus selalu berada dikisaran 10 menit sehingga jika kurang ataupun lebih maka akan dipengaruhi oleh Difficulty untuk menyeimbangkan kembali average tersebut pada kisaran 10 menit?
Barusan saya mencoba mencari perihal ini, dan menemukan ini:
new_difficulty = old_difficulty X (2016 blocks X 10 minutes) / (the time took in minutes to mine the last 2016 blocks)
https://medium.facilelogin.com/the-mystery-behind-block-time-63351e35603a-snip- Satoshi Nakamoto (inventor of Bitcoin) himself decided that the block production rate should maintain a steady average pace of 1 block per 10 minutes, because: a blockchain will estimately need 10 minutes to propagate the latest block(s) to all nodes globally, in order for the blockchain to stay properly synchronized. If blocks are produced at a faster pace, some nodes on the other side of the globe might not be able to catch up fast enough with the lates transaction data, and this may cause nodes to be no longer correctly aligned, leading to “uncle blocks” (chain splits), which is basically something a blockchain must avoid as much as possible in order to stay secure. -snip-