Local boards are vary rather variable in terms of merit distribution, and it will depends on the number of Merits Sources that visit them, the content of the posts, and the amount of participants and generated posts. For example, if we were to compare just one of the above variables (Merit Distribution), a comprehensive representation for the merit distributed over the last six month for some of the local boards would look like this:
https://public.tableau.com/shared/F7TN6F5GS?:display_count=yes&:origin=viz_share_linkWithout entering the content/quality of the posts themselves, a quick idea of the number of posts created (nearly) over that same six month time period varies as follows per local board represented in the above link:
Indonesian (22,8k posts; 20,1K of them in Altcoins), German (20,9K posts; 10,8K of them in Altcoins), French (9,6K posts; 2,2k of them in Altcoins), Italian (7K posts; 1,4K of them in Altcoins), Spanish(*) (3,1K; 1,3K of them in Altcoins), Portuguese (4,6K posts; 1,2K of them in Altcoins), Croatian (3,8K posts; 1,7K of them in Altcoins), Dutch (0,7K; 0,6K of them in Altcoins).
I’ve used this to derive the above:
https://public.tableau.com/shared/JCJP64562?:display_count=yes&:origin=viz_share_link(*) over a 5 month period roughly; the sixth month was a clean-up period and lots of threads were deleted.
<…> I didn't see Arabic board in your stats. I believe that's another board with great amounts of merit circulating <…>
Yes, I omitted more than half of the local boards in this post for simplicity purposes. Nevertheless, the links I provide allow us to play around with the filters, and select a different set of Local Boards to compare (adding Arabic for example). The data I have is homogeneous for all Local Boards.