These same techniques are applied in other wider media as well. If you read any of Jon Rappoport's material (people should check out his material at He talks about how this happens in all sorts of areas. Bitcoin treads on the establishment - this is reality now. Exposing suspicious posters could be a good exercise for this community.
Thanks I'll check it out. And I agree.
I agree, though, that accusing anyone is both pointless and possibly dangerous. If you're right, you wind up on a list somewhere that has three letters in it's name. If you're wrong, you get an innocent asshole on the list...
Eh. I'm not really willing to be scared of being on one of those lists. 1984 convinced me that if the government became too tyrannical and the society willing to accept that tyranny than I would rather be one of the ones who died early than one of the ones who survived and lived in that nightmare. I made a personal conscious decision long ago not to allow the threats of those psychos to change anything about my behavior or my speech. As for putting someone innocent on our own list, well if they are such a terrible troll as to appear that they may be a spook, I have no pity. Its not as if we could ever say definitively that someone is, the ideal is just to build the most convincing case that can be built and let people decide for themselves.
The creation of this thread was prompted by this comment found it to be a very interesting read. I have personally never encountered anyone that I thought was a counterintelligence operative but I am open minded. If you know of someone who you believe is a counter intelligence operative, make your best case. Alternatively I'll leave this thread open to more general discussion on this topic.
Turning on moderation just to have it as an option in case I decide later but I don't plan on using it.
I think you should look at topics on controversial RL issues mostly seen in the off-topic section of the forum, where you can find some users behaving like counterintelligence & propaganda puppets. E.g.
Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia.,
Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution.Will do thanks.
"New British army elite unit to hone social media and psychological warfare
The British military is to form a new specialist force in “non-lethal” forms of psychological warfare using social media such as Twitter and Facebook to tackle the “asymmetric battlefields” of the 21st century.
The brigade will number 2,000 and will be made up of regular troops from all three services, as well as reservists and civilians, British media report." i was aware of this story. i wouldn't have taken article linked in OP as seriously if it were not for having read this story.