Yes, its quite frustrating to have these fulfilled orders "open" all the time, I personally always manually cancel them when they fulfill, so that I can see which orders I really have. But one should not have to do such jobs manually, software should take care of it.
BTW: still says: Metro Bank (UK) Online banking down. Online banking down.
And "bzwbk" "Payments sent daily." is sometimes also not very precise, my last withdrawal I waited 36 hours to be processed. And I have an account in BZWBK too, so transfers are instant once processed, so its quite frustrating to have money locked up for so long. If at least it was predictable, for example a fixed schedule that withdrawals are processed every day at 20:00 polish time (19:00 London time), so I could deposit being sure that if I don't buy coins at the price I want, I can have my money back by the end of the day (BZWBK internal transfers don't happen between about 20:30 and 03:00 AM polish time). And SEPA are done each day at 23:30 polish time by BZWBK.
If you can't make it more often then once a day, can you please at least make a fixed withdrawal schedule at 20:00 polish time, before BZWBK closes for the night? Please, pretty please...