
Topic: Introducing LetsExchange, a Registration-Free Service for Instant Crypto Swaps - page 2. (Read 1585 times)

jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
The iLuminaryAI Digital Wallet enhances crypto exchange functionality with the LetsExchange API

The iLuminaryAI Digital Wallet, a pioneering Web3 wallet enabling secure and effortless navigation across multiple blockchain networks, has integrated the LetsExchange API, enabling seamless in-wallet cryptocurrency exchanges for its users. This integration will be featured in the new app updates launching on App Store and Play Store this week.

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub that supports over 4,800 coins and tokens, the most extensive crypto selection to date worldwide. The iLuminaryAI Wallet team selected LetsExchange for its robust features, including a vast number of liquidity providers and exceptional service stability.

The API integration brings numerous benefits. For users, it enhances security by allowing swaps directly within the wallet, eliminating the risk of errors or phishing attempts. It also increases user retention, as they are likelier to keep their funds within the iLuminaryAI Wallet ecosystem than moving them to centralized exchanges or other wallets to make exchanges. From a technical perspective, LetsExchange provides extensive support throughout the integration process and 24/7 priority support post-integration.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, expressed excitement about the partnership with iLuminaryAI Wallet. He stated, “We are thrilled to collaborate with iLuminaryAI Wallet. This integration brings premium exchange services to their users, enhancing their overall experience.”

iLuminaryAI Wallet is an advanced, AI-assisted, and secure crypto wallet that offers a seamless and intuitive platform for managing digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and DeFi applications. It is designed to cater to both crypto novices and seasoned traders, providing robust security measures and a user-friendly interface. The wallet features multi-chain connectivity, allowing users to navigate multiple blockchain networks effortlessly and securely​.

LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,800 coins and tokens. It allows partners to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API and access DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Crypto users can now swap NYM on LetsExchange

NYM is a token of the Nym project, which is focused on providing enhanced privacy solutions for Internet users. The Nym network is designed to protect the metadata of users by ensuring privacy at both the network and application levels. With the listing of NYM on LetsExchange, users can now swap this token seamlessly using our user-friendly widget. Additionally, swapping NYM is possible via our Telegram bot and third-party wallets, apps, and platforms integrated with LetsExchange’s crypto swap functionality.

When swapping NYM on LetsExchange, users have the flexibility to choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. The market rate option allows our system to automatically find the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers connected to our platform, ensuring the best possible exchange conditions. Alternatively, the fixed rate option locks in the quoted price at the start of the transaction, providing stability and avoiding slippage due to market volatility.

Alex J., the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his enthusiasm about the addition of NYM, stating: "We continuously expand our platform by adding new coins and tokens, increasing the possibilities for profitable swaps and investments for our customers. We are confident that the NYM listing will be well-received by our user community."

NYM is the native token of the Nym project, a privacy-focused platform that aims to enhance internet security by obscuring users’ traffic patterns. By sending their data through Nym’s 5-hop mixnet network with added cover traffic, wallet users can benefit from advanced privacy protections to ensure that their  data remains confidential and secure. The NYM token is integral to the network, facilitating transactions, incentivizing network participants, and enabling decentralized governance.

LetsExchange stands as the one-stop crypto exchange hub, supporting over 4,800 coins and tokens  and making it the most extensive selection in the market. Our platform offers a range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. Additionally, partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via our API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also accessible through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
WOW EARN Wallet has integrated LetsExchange under its dApp section

WOW EARN Wallet, an all-in-one crypto wallet part of the WOW EARN ecosystem, has integrated LetsExchange under its dApp section to provide easy access to users. This move will increase the crypto swap options offered by this wallet.

The WOW EARN ecosystem comprises a cutting-edge blockchain (WOW EARN Chain) platform designed to deliver high efficiency and seamless connectivity within the decentralized finance (DeFi) realm. It boasts 750k + wallets registered on chain, over $500k daily volume, and over 500 million total transactions. This platform empowers users to engage in staking (WOW EARN Staking), mining (WOW EARN Mining), and yield farming opportunities.

The WOW EARN ecosystem also allows multi-chain swaps, on-and-off ramp, DEX, and NFTs trading. WOWCoin is an integral component of this ecosystem, with a total supply of 1 billion coins. It was publicly released in Q2/2023 and has already been listed on several centralized exchanges.

LetsExchange is a leading instant exchange service with the largest number of crypto assets in the market available for swaps. Users of the WOW EARN Wallet can thoroughly enjoy this capability, expanding their swap options to over 4,500 cryptocurrencies. Because of the multiple liquidity providers that LetsExchange integrates, users benefit from competitive exchange rates in all their swaps and deep liquidity for significant transactions.

Moreover, users can choose either a market rate or a fixed one when swapping cryptocurrencies using LetsExchange. With a market rate, the system automatically picks the most favorable exchange rate for a swap from the multiple liquidity providers connected. This way, the effects of market volatility are mitigated. Users who want to avoid slippage can opt for a fixed rate.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented about the mutual benefits of this integration: “We welcome the integration of our crypto swap service under the WOW EARN Wallet dApp section. We are positive that many users will appreciate the reliability and simplicity of our service. This integration eases access to more cryptocurrencies to a broader audience, democratizing the use of crypto assets worldwide.”

WOW EARN is a decentralized smart contract pledge mining platform featuring a highly capital-efficient liquidity pool. It supports single-sided token contributions to provide liquidity, reduce impermanent loss, and minimize transaction slippage. WOW EARN's mission is to assist users in protecting their assets and enhancing their digital currency earnings. This project aims to establish a reliable, robust, and user-friendly wealth creation platform, offering diverse Annual Percentage Rate (APR) plans to cater to varying risk preferences.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
WalletX will integrate LetsExchange API for in-wallet exchanges

WalletX, the world’s first 100% gasless web3 wallet, will integrate the LetsExchange API to enhance its users' cryptocurrency exchange functionality.

LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub that supports over 4,800 coins and tokens, the most extensive number of crypto assets in a single platform. When choosing a service to integrate the cryptocurrency exchange functionality into the app, the WalletX team also considered many other parameters, including the number of liquidity providers used, the stability of the service, etc.

The LetsExchange API solution enables programming access to LetsExchange multi-currency exchange services. Companies choosing to integrate the API get comprehensive technical support during all the stages of the integration project and 24/7 priority support when the integration is complete.

In addition, using the LetsExchange API increases the retention rate because users won’t switch to keeping their funds in centralized exchanges or for another wallet.

For users, integration of the LetExchange API into WalletX will boost security. If the swap functionality is enabled in the wallet, the possibility of an error or clicking on a link to a phishing resource is eliminated.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, said to be thrilled by the new partnership with WalletX and remained confident that users of this wallet will appreciate the crypto exchange functionality resulting from the LetsExchange API integration. He commented: “We provide premium exchange services to our user base, but we are open to partnering up with companies wishing to integrate this same crypto exchange functionality we have developed. Besides the API for developers, LetsExchange offers a plethora of B2B solutions that include exchange widgets, referral links, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products.”

WalletX is the world’s first 100% gasless web3 wallet that allows anyone to do onchain transactions across all major EVMs without paying any gas fees. WalletX is also loaded with other cutting-edge features like Batch Transactions, Biometric Authentication using Passkeys, Address Book for storing addresses, Payment of gas in non-native tokens and management of multiple wallets each with their own seed phrases - all in one extension!

LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed Bitgert (BRISE)

BRISE, the native cryptocurrency of the Bitgert project, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange platform that supports over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, the largest number in the market.

The crypto community can exchange BRISE through an easy-to-use widget on the LetsExchange website. It is also possible to exchange BRISE using a Telegram bot or one of the apps and platforms with crypto swap capability powered by LetsExchange.

Users swapping BRISE for other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange have options to counter price volatility: market rate and fixed rate. With the market rate, the system will automatically find the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, so users get optimal exchange conditions even if prices change quickly. The fixed rate option is best for those who prefer stability. It locks in the exchange rate at the start of the transaction with no worries about market fluctuations.

Alex J., LetsExchange's Chief Product Officer (CPO), commented about this listing: “We are glad to have BRISE available for trading on our platform. We are positive that many users will be interested in investing in this promising crypto asset."

Bitgert is an exciting crypto engineering project that started in July 2021, focusing on creating blockchain products and a centralized exchange. Originally, Bitgert was built on the BNB Chain, and it used BNB, the chain's native token, to reward users. But in 2022, Bitgert introduced its own blockchain. This development offers almost non-existent gas fees and fast cross-chain transactions. Moreover, the Bitgert Chain can handle up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), making it highly efficient and scalable. BRISE is Bitgert's native cryptocurrency, allowing investors to stake it and earn rewards in BUSD exclusively on the BSC network.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub, boasting support for more than 4,500 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX), and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed DGB

DigiByte (DGB), the cryptocurrency driving the DigiByte blockchain, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a one-stop crypto exchange hub known for its vast support of cryptocurrencies. Users can now swap DGB for over 4,800 other coins and tokens using the LetsExchange widget, Telegram bot, or third-party platforms and apps integrating LetsExchange's crypto exchange solutions.

When exchanging DigiByte (DGB) on LetsExchange, users can choose between market-rate and fixed-rate transactions. The market-rate option allows the system to automatically find the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring the best exchange conditions even during short-term price fluctuations. For those who prefer stability and want to avoid slippage due to market volatility, the fixed-rate option locks in the quoted price at the start of the transaction, ensuring users receive the expected value.

DGB is also available for purchase and sale for approximately 60 fiat currencies in the Buy/Sell mode.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, shared his excitement about the addition of DigiByte (DGB), stating, "Listing DGB is a pivotal move in expanding the reach and adoption of DigiByte's cutting-edge blockchain technology. We're eager to explore more integration opportunities to support and promote DGB within our ecosystem."

DigiByte (DGB) is an open-source cryptocurrency and blockchain platform developed by Jared Tate that launched in January 2014. Known for its speed, DigiByte features a block time of just 15 seconds, making it one of the fastest blockchains available. It emphasizes security using five different cryptographic algorithms, which protect the network from attacks and reduce the risk of mining centralization.

LetsExchange is the ultimate crypto exchange hub, offering support for over 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive selection in the market. Users benefit from various services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange also enables partners to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Furthermore, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are accessible through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed HTR

Hathor (HTR), the cryptocurrency underpinning the Hathor Network, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a leading crypto exchange hub renowned for supporting the most extensive range of cryptocurrencies. Users can now swap HTR for over 4,800 other coins and tokens using the LetsExchange widget, Telegram bot, or third-party platforms and apps integrating LetsExchange's crypto exchange solutions.

When exchanging Hathor (HTR) on LetsExchange, users can choose between market- and fixed-rate transactions. The market rate option allows the system to automatically select the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring optimal exchange conditions even amidst short-term price fluctuations. For users who prioritize stability and wish to avoid slippage due to market volatility, the fixed rate option locks in the initially quoted price for the duration of the swap, guaranteeing the exact value expected at the start of the transaction.

Hathor Network’s unique architecture enables seamless transactions and scalability, making it a highly attractive option for various decentralized applications (dApps) and use cases. Their user-friendly wallet application supports quick and secure transactions, further establishing Hathor as a strong player in the blockchain space.

LetsExchange will also continue working with the Hathor team to integrate LetsExchange’s exchange functionality into HTR’s wallet. Teams plan to start co-marketing activities to boost HTR adoption using LetsExchange solutions.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed enthusiasm about the HTR listing, stating, "The HTR listing is a significant step toward broadening the reach and adoption of Hathor Network's innovative blockchain technology. We look forward to exploring further integration opportunities to support and promote HTR within our ecosystem."

Yan Martins, CEO Hathor Labs: "We are thrilled to see HTR listed on LetsExchange, expanding our reach to a broader audience and providing our community with a robust platform for seamless crypto exchanges. This partnership aligns perfectly with our vision to make Hathor's innovative blockchain technology accessible and user-friendly for everyone."

Hathor (HTR) is a decentralized and scalable blockchain designed to simplify the creation and deployment of new tokens, NFTs, and dApps. Its unique architecture combines DAG and blockchain technologies to offer high throughput and zero fees, making it an ideal platform for various real-world applications, including digital payments, supply chain management, and asset tokenization.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub, boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, along with decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
You might want to lower your minimum deposit limits across most of the coins I have checked. Maybe lower it to $20 or even $10 for coins that don't need a lot of transaction fees. Right now, the limits are higher than what most of your competition offers.

The other day I wanted to do a quick swap, so I can get some funds to pay the gas fees, only to be deterred by the high minimum limits.

Hi JeromeTash,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We will definitely forward your suggestion to our development team for further consideration. We're always looking to enhance our platform and your insights help us do just that.

Best regards, The LetsExchange Team
Activity: 2394
Merit: 1276
You might want to lower your minimum deposit limits across most of the coins I have checked. Maybe lower it to $20 or even $10 for coins that don't need a lot of transaction fees. Right now, the limits are higher than what most of your competition offers.

The other day I wanted to do a quick swap, so I can get some funds to pay the gas fees, only to be deterred by the high minimum limits.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Zilliqa (ZIL) is available for swapping on LetsExchange

LetsExchange, a go-to exchange platform that supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, has listed ZIL, the native utility token of the Zilliqa blockchain.

Holders can now swap this crypto asset for thousands of other coins and tokens through an easy-to-use widget on the LetsExchange’s website. Swapping ZIL is also possible through a Telegram bot, third-party platforms, and apps integrating crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.

Users swapping ZIL for other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange have two options: market rate and fixed rate. With the market rate option, the system scans over 20 different liquidity providers to find the best possible rate at the moment of the swap. Users who prefer to avoid the unpredictable nature of the market can choose the fixed rate. This option locks in the rate at the beginning of the transaction regardless of any volatility that might happen during the swap.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his excitement at the listing of ZIL: “Zilliqa is an OG blockchain and was 1st to market with the Sharding principle. In recent times it has experienced significant development. The introduction of Zilliqa 2.0 which moves the network to fully POS with a focus on account abstraction is an example of this development. Hence, having the ZIL listed on our platform will expand our customers' options for profitable trades.”

Zilliqa is a public, permissionless blockchain designed for speed and efficiency, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second. It tackles the common blockchain issues of scalability and speed by using sharding, a clever second-layer scaling solution. As a high-performance blockchain platform, Zilliqa is capable of scaling to meet the demands of Web3 applications at a global scale. It is the world’s first blockchain protocol to implement sharding technology, making it perfectly suited to handle the demands of data-intensive applications such as gaming. ZIL is the native utility token of the Zilliqa blockchain.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub, boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed EVER

EVER, the cryptocurrency behind the Everscale project, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub that supports the widest range of cryptocurrencies in the market. Users can swap EVER on its native blockchain or EVER-ERC20 to over 4,500 other coins and tokens using the LetsExchange widget, Telegram bot, or third-party platforms and apps incorporating LetsExchange's crypto exchange solutions.

When swapping Everscale (EVER) for other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange, users can choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. The market rate option allows the system to automatically select the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring optimal exchange conditions even amidst short-term price fluctuations. For users who prefer stability and want to avoid slippage due to market volatility, the fixed rate option locks in the initially quoted price for the duration of the swap, guaranteeing the exact value expected at the start of the transaction.

Since Everscale (EVER) operates on multiple mainstream networks, users can also effortlessly swap EVER across different blockchains using the LetsExchange. For instance, users can exchange ERC20 EVER for mainnet EVER or vice versa with just a few clicks. Additional blockchain networks that support EVER will be available soon.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, welcomed Everscale's (EVER) listing and expressed confidence in its widespread adoption. He commented, "Listing EVER on our exchange platform is the first step toward more comprehensive cooperation with this project. The Everscale team will study our B2B products to assess potential integration opportunities to enhance the visibility and adoption of their crypto asset."

Everscale (EVER) is a fast and secure layer-one blockchain that aims to become a decentralized platform for high-performance applications with real-world relevance, such as Stablecoins, CBDCs, DEXes, Bridges, Gaming Platforms and more.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub, boasting support for more than 4,500 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, along with decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed TAIKO

TAIKO, a cryptocurrency behind the Taiko ecosystem, is now available for trading and cross-chain swap on LetsExchange, the instant crypto exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide. The crypto community can now swap this asset for over 4,500 other crypto assets using a friendly widget, a Telegram bot, or third-party platforms and apps that integrate crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.

When swapping TAIKO for other coins, users can choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. The former allows the system to automatically select the most profitable rate from the 20+ liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring the best exchange conditions despite price volatility. Users who prefer to avoid slippage can opt for a fixed rate, which locks the value of the swap until the operation is completed. TAIKO on its native blockchain and the ERC-20 version are both available on LetsExchange, with cross-chain swapping possible for diversification or other purposes.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his excitement about the listing of TAIKO: “We are glad to have TAIKO available on our platform. Many investors were looking forward to trading this token in the open market after a successful airdrop conducted by the Taiko team in May 2024. LetsExchange provides all the tools to swap TAIKO most conveniently and securely, contributing to the rapid adoption of this crypto asset.”

Taiko is an Ethereum-equivalent (Type 1) ZK-EVM that is maximally compatible with Ethereum. No additional compiling, reaudits, or tooling is needed. Additionally, Taiko is a based rollup: the transaction sequencing on Taiko is done by Ethereum validators. Based sequencing is maximally simple and inherits Ethereum's liveness and credible neutrality. The TAIKO token is the native utility token within the Taiko ecosystem, crucial for keeping the network running smoothly and efficiently. TAIKO also plays a key role in decision-making and governance within the network.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Uquid has listed the LetsExchange widget for crypto swaps

Uquid, the biggest Web3 e-commerce platform, has listed the LetsExchange widget for crypto swaps as a decentralized application (DApp) in the ‘Swap’ category. LetsExchange is a leading instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market.

The above listing makes LetsExchange part of the most extensive Web3 shopping infrastructure, enabling Uquid users to benefit from unique crypto swap and payment options. In particular, users can exchange 4,500+ coins and tokens, buy and sell crypto for 60+ fiat currencies, perform cross-chain swaps, swap crypto on a DEX, and more.

LetsExchange ensures the safety and integrity of customers’ funds during the exchange process. Moreover, thanks to the implementation of AML verification, users can be sure that only legit crypto funds are transacted on LetsExchange. When flagged as suspicious, crypto funds are returned to the original wallet.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled by the listing of our crypto exchange on Uquid. We are positive that users of this e-commerce platform will appreciate our various services that will undoubtedly contribute to having the best Web3 shopping experience. This listing will also boost the adoption of the coins and tokens available for trading on our platform, making it more attractive for coin teams striving to increase the visibility of their assets in the crypto space.”

Uquid, established in 2016, focuses on developing an outstanding Web3 shopping infrastructure with millions of physical and digital products to serve 50 million users by 2027. This company has become the world's favorite e-commerce platform with the best Shop-to-Earn experience. It features verified merchants, exclusive deals, cashback, and Payin3 with Crypto on 165M+ physical products, 224k+ digital products, and NFTs.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of crypto assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell modes are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
The USDD stablecoin has landed on LetsExchange

Decentralized USD (USDD), the first over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a crypto exchange platform that supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market. Users can swap USDD on TRC20, ERC20, and BEP20 blockchains for over 4,500 coins and tokens using a LetsExchange widget, Telegram bot, or through third-party platforms and apps integrating crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.

When swapping USDD for other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange, users enjoy the flexibility to choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. With the first option, the system automatically picks the best rate among the 20+ liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring the most profitable exchange conditions despite short-term price fluctuations. Users who prefer to avoid slippage caused by volatility can opt for a fixed rate, which locks the initially quoted value for the swap until the operation is completed.

Since USDD circulates on multiple mainstream networks, users can seamlessly transfer USDD across different blockchains using the LetsExchange widget. For instance, users can swap TRC20 USDD for ERC20 USDD or the way around with a few clicks. More blockchain networks that support USDD will be available soon.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, welcomed the listing of USDD and remained confident that many users will adopt this stablecoin. He commented: “Listing USDD on our exchange platform is the first step toward more comprehensive cooperation with this project. The USDD team will study our B2B products to assess the possible integration to boost the visibility and adoption of their crypto asset.”

Decentralized USD (USDD) is an over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin launched by TRON DAO Reserve, the custodian of USDD, and guarantees its price stability. This stablecoin’s value is pegged to the US dollar. USDD is secured by over-collateralizing multiple mainstream digital assets such as TRX, BTC, and USDT. The total value of collateralized assets is significantly higher than that of USDD in circulation, with the collateral ratio set at 120%. The USDD protocol aims to provide the blockchain industry with the most stable, decentralized, tamper-proof, and freeze-free stablecoin system, a perpetual system independent of any centralized entity.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has listed DYDX

LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has added DYDX, the L1 protocol token for the dYdX Chain, to its list of supported cryptocurrencies. The ethDYDX token is also available for swaps on

The crypto community can now swap DYDX on  mainnet and on the Ethereum blockchain to thousands of other cryptocurrencies using the widget on the LetsExchange website. DYDX is also available for trading on platforms and apps that integrate crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.

The platform also supports direct cross-chain swaps between mainnet DYDX and ethDYDX.

When swapping DYDX with LetsExchange, users have the flexibility to do it at either market or fixed rates. Opting for the market rate ensures the best exchange rate among over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, maximizing gains when exchanging DYDX for another cryptocurrency. Alternatively, for those preferring stability amidst market fluctuations, the fixed rate option locks in the initially quoted rate until the swap is finished, shielding the swap from unexpected changes.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are confident that our customers will embrace the addition of the DYDX to our listing, broadening the avenues for lucrative trades and investments. We also expect to expand our collaboration with dYdX in the future.”

dYdX is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) supporting perpetual trading. dYdX has officially released dYdX Chain, its Cosmos-based appchain. dYdX Chain is a fully open-sourced and audited appchain that can handle up to 2,000 transactions per second (TPS). It is also fully decentralized, meaning that dYdX Trading will not manage the infrastructure behind the chain or earn trading fee revenue. The chain's operations and deployment will be entrusted to the dYdX governance community.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Crypto users can now swap PONKE on LetsExchange

PONKE, a meme coin on the Solana blockchain, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a crypto exchange platform that supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market. The crypto community can now swap this meme coin for 4,500 other tokens and coins on or through third-party platforms and apps integrating crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.

When swapping PONKE for another cryptocurrency, users can choose between a market and a fixed rate. When using a market rate, the system automatically selects the best rate among the 20+ liquidity providers integrated with LetsExchange to ensure users get the most convenient conditions with this option. Users who want to prevent slippage caused by market volatility can opt for a fixed rate, ensuring the swap value remains unchanged until the exchange is completed.

LetsExchange and the Ponke team are planning several joint co-marketing activities to foster the visibility and adoption of the PONKE token among the LetsExchange customer base and across the entire crypto market. These activities will include an ask-me-anything (AMA) session and an interview with members of the Ponke team, among others.

The PONKE team will also study LetsExchange solutions for businesses. In particular, LetsExchange will present its crypto exchange widget and Telegram bot. Both solutions are specially designed for cryptocurrency projects to facilitate the penetration of crypto assets into the market through the simple exchange of new coins and tokens to 4,500 other cryptocurrencies.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, has welcomed the listing of PONKE. He is confident that many users will be interested in this meme coin, which differentiates itself from other meme coins by offering utility for several projects on the Solana blockchain.

PONKE is a meme coin with a unique persona and story: an individual drawn to high-risk ventures and thriving amidst the unpredictable landscape of the decentralized world. PONKE goes beyond being a typical meme coin by participating in several projects in the Solana ecosystem, including a play-to-earn (P2E) game, a decentralized exchange (DEX), and a launchpad for other Solana-based ventures.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has integrated TUSD

LetsExchange, the one-stop crypto exchange hub, has integrated TrueUSD (TUSD), a leading USD-pegged stablecoin, into its swapping ecosystem. As for now, users can exchange TUSD in ERC20, BEP20, and TRC20 standards for over 4,500 crypto assets across more than 300 blockchains on Cross-chain swaps, e.g., TUSD-BEP20 to TUSD-TRC20, are available, too.

Numerous apps and services that use LetsExchange’s crypto processing functionality can also offer their users trading pairs with TUSD.

Additionally, the TUSD team is investigating the range of B2B solutions provided by LetsExchange, which are designed to offer communities of various coins and tokens convenient cryptocurrency exchange tools. These solutions encompass API, customizable exchange widgets, and a tailored Telegram bot.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are excited to collaborate with TrueUSD, a project at the forefront of financial innovation. The integration of TUSD into our platform empowers our users with even more flexibility and stability for their trading activities.”

Yvonne Chia, Head of Communication at TUSD, agrees with the significance of the partnership: “Ensuring accessibility has been a cornerstone of TUSD's mission from the outset. With our listing on over 80 exchanges and DeFi protocols, we consistently aim to make TUSD widely available. Our collaboration with LetsExchange offers our users a remarkable range of tokens and flexibility, and we are thrilled about the possibilities this partnership holds for our community."

TrueUSD is renowned for its commitment to transparency and security in the stablecoin arena. As the first USD-pegged stablecoin with live on-chain attestations, TUSD provides a reliable and trustworthy stablecoin for transactions and hedging against market volatility. TUSD further enhances its transparency and reliability through Chainlink’s Proof of Reserve technology and MooreHK’s daily attestation services. The stablecoin is natively deployed on multiple networks, including Ethereum, TRON, Avalanche, and BNB Smart Chain, and is bridged across several others, ensuring widespread accessibility and liquidity.

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub recognized for supporting the largest number of crypto assets in the market. The platform allows for secure and reliable crypto exchanges at favorable rates across more than 4,500 crypto assets on over 300 blockchains. With various services, such as buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, and lucrative affiliate programs, LetsExchange stands out as a versatile and comprehensive solution for crypto enthusiasts worldwide.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
The ICE token is now listed on LetsExchange

ICE, the dynamic token driving the Ice Open Network (ION) ecosystem, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies.

The crypto community can now swap ICE through the exchange widget on the LetsExchange website and partners’ platforms using ready-made crypto exchange solutions powered by LetsExchange. When swapping ICE using LetsExchange functionality, users can choose between a market and a fixed rate. The first one allows the exchange rate for a swap to follow market fluctuations, which might benefit the user and lead to slippage in some cases. LetsExchange automatically selects the best exchange rate among 20+ liquidity providers integrated with its platform to provide the best conditions for users choosing this option. Users selecting a fixed rate can avoid slippage, representing a helpful feature in the volatile crypto market.

To contribute to fostering the visibility and adoption of the ICE token, LetsExchange and the ION team are planning joint co-marketing activities, including an ask-me-anything (AMA) session and an interview with members of the ION team. LetsExchange and Ice Network will announce these events on their social media channels.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled to announce the listing of the ICE token on our platform. We are certain that many users will welcome this investment and trading opportunity. We hope this listing opens the door for further collaboration with the Ice Open Network team.”

Ice Open Network (ION) is a Layer-1 blockchain engineered for high performance, facilitating fast, scalable, and unrestricted digital interactions, ensuring user freedoms and robust network integrity. Ice Open Network is also building a dynamic ecosystem for seamless decentralized application (dApp) development, with a platform designed to be censorship-resistant, empowering individuals worldwide to create applications that prioritize user privacy and autonomy. The ICE token powers the ION ecosystem and can be mined through a groundbreaking tap-to-mine app launched in July 2023.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
DOPE token lands on LetsExchange

LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, and Dopamine, a mobile app providing decentralized finance, have entered a strategic partnership.

In particular, LetsExchange has listed Dopamine’s token, DOPE, for trading on its platform. The crypto community can now swap DOPE for thousands of other coins and tokens on The DOPE token will also be available on other platforms and apps with crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.

Using LetsExchange, users can swap DOPE at market and fixed rates. By selecting the former, users will benefit from the best rate among the 20+ liquidity providers integrated with LetsExchange, ensuring the most profitable rate when swapping the DOPE token for another crypto asset. Users who prefer to avoid market volatility can opt for a fixed rate, which guarantees the rate quoted at the beginning of a swap remains unchanged until its completion.

In its turn, Dopamine has integrated LetsExchange’s API. This way, users in the Dopamine ecosystem can enjoy expanded crypto swap functionality in the Dopamine app. As with all newly listed coins, LetsExchange will provide the DOPE team with comprehensive marketing support to increase the visibility of this digital asset and foster its adoption.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are certain that many of our customers will also welcome the listing of the DOPE token, which expands the options for profitable trades and investments. Likewise, we are positive that Dopamine users will appreciate swap functionality, powered by LetsExchange.”

Dopamine is a non-custodial, secure, and anonymous cryptocurrency mobile app wallet. Furthermore, it offers a variety of features that help any user navigate the cryptocurrency market. The DOPE token is the native token of the Dopamine App. Holding this utility token enables users to access premium features within the app. For businesses, the Dopamine token serves as a license to power innovation.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Our users can now swiftly exit the matrix of legacy financial systems – Interview with the Tonkeeper team

The Open Network (TON) project has been on the front pages of the crypto media in recent weeks. Among the numerous updates, it is worth highlighting the launch of the USDT stablecoin on the TON blockchain. This creates new prospects for the project development, ecosystem, and community.

LetsExchange listed USDT-TON ASAP to enable users to benefit from all the advantages the TON network offers. Users can now swap USDT-TON to 4,500+ other cryptocurrencies and buy/sell it with fiat money on LetsExchange. LetsExchange partners can also make the asset available for their users to swap within services and apps using LetsExchange crypto processing.

With our partner Tonkeeper, a wallet that allows users to store, receive, and send Toncoin on The Open Network, we shortly discussed thoughts and ideas about the future of the Tonkeeper ecosystem, its benefits, and its potential.

LetsExchange: Can you assess how USDT on the TON blockchain will impact the Tonkeeper community and the project?

Tonkeeper: Tether USDT is the world's leading stablecoin, and thanks to low fees on TON and Tonkeeper's convenience and security, it has become super-easy to use for a broad audience. "Tethered USD," or USDT for short, is a hugely successful financial project that brings a relatively stable unit of purchasing power to the world of volatile cryptocurrencies. USDT on TON will definitely add more stability to the TON ecosystem.

LetsExchange: Obviously, all these events will positively impact Tonkeeper.

Tonkeeper: Well, yes. Tonkeeper becomes the ultimate super-wallet for the entire planet thanks to its super-qualities:

Self-custody: You own all your assets directly without any intermediaries or censorship.
TON is the most powerful, ultra-scalable blockchain network, guaranteeing high throughput and low fees for billions of users.
Tonkeeper Battery: A new service that pays all your blockchain fees automatically.
LetsExchange: What benefits does the Tonkeeper wallet offer to USDT TON holders?

Tonkeeper: With Tonkeeper, you can easily receive USDT on your personal device, pay for any service that accepts it via a QR code or TON Connect, swap for other tokens, and recharge the battery to cover all the network fees without ever signing up on any centralized exchange.

To be clear, the Tonkeeper Battery feature makes Tonkeeper the best way to use USDT. You hold tokens on your device, and with the Tonkeeper Battery, you can pay with USDT without worrying about gas fees or your TON balance. We would say Tonkeeper users can exit the matrix of legacy financial systems with full speed and luxury! You can install the Tonkeeper today and enjoy TON USDT with LetsExchange!
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