
Topic: Introducing LetsExchange, a Registration-Free Service for Instant Crypto Swaps - page 7. (Read 1513 times)

jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
BEAM on Swap Your Coins Anonymously and Safely

Anonymity is considered to be one of the cornerstones of the cryptocurrency market and blockchain technology in general. Yet, in most cases, when you want to trade crypto for profit or simply convert one coin to another, you have to forget about anonymity. As a rule, exchanges that facilitate crypto trading require signing up and verifying user identity through the KYC procedure.

There are exceptions to this rule and LetsExchange is one of them, allowing you to trade your coins instantly, without the need to provide any data but the info needed to process the transaction.

Zero Custody, 100% Anonymity

Unlike most exchanges where one needs to provide piles of identity-verifying docs, LetsExchange allows trading BEAM without signing up and providing personal data.
LetsExchange doesn’t request or store your private keys. The platform is integrated through API with multiple major exchanges, it instantly selects the most convenient rate across these exchanges for every swap and creates relevant orders.

Security and Other Features

Privacy is not the only reason to swap BEAM on LetsExchange where traders can choose between a fixed and a floating rate (might have some slippage).
LetsExchange complies with strict security requirements:

- The exchange website has an SSL certificate and ensures that all the data you are sending is encrypted.
- State-of-the-art tools protect the platform from DDOS attacks.
- The customer support of LetsExchange strives to solve any issues to the benefit of users.
- The company validates all the coins that are used for swaps.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Up for Swaps on LetsExchange: QuarkChain

QuarkChain provides a flexible and scalable blockchain infrastructure for P2P transactions. LetsExchange enables you to swap a huge variety of coins for QKC, the native ERC20 and BEP20 tokens of QuarkChain.

To purchase QKC on LetsExchange, follow these easy steps:

  • Select QKC in the “You get” field
  • Pick a coin to exchange for QKC in the “You send” field
  • Indicate the amount and your recipient QKC address
  • Send the exact amount in your selected coin to the provided deposit address
  • Receive your purchased QKC in your wallet

No mandatory sign-up required, no limits applied – it’s easy, fast, and safe. And you can try it right now on
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
We’re excited to be included in the list of trusted exchange platforms by ARK. empowers everyone to quickly and easily leverage blockchain. By building innovative products and services with a strong focus on user experience and developer tooling, ARK aims to lower the barrier to entry for using blockchain technology.

You can exchange ARK’s native coin along with 2,000+ other cryptocurrencies anonymously and safely on

Check out ARK’s list of exchange platforms here:
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
We are proud to list Shib Token (SHIB) on Now, the SHIB army can swap 2,000 coins for SHIB easily and safely.

The self-proclaimed “Dogecoin Killer”, SHIB is an ERC20 token that features the same Shiba Inu dog as Dogecoin.

We are glad to be on board with the Spaceshib that is currently skyrocketing straight to the moon. You can exchange SHIB without a mandatory registration, anonymously and safely, on

Moreover, you can swap any of 2,000 coins with SHIB in BEP20 and HECO blockchains on
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Up for Swaps on LetsExchange: Groestlcoin

Groestlcoin is one of 210+ coins supported by LetsExchange. It’s a fast and secure coin with almost zero fees.

Launched on March 22, 2014, with a focus on technological advancement, Groestlcoin is SEGWIT and Lightning Network ready.

The main idea of creating Groestlcoin was to establish an electronic payment model that was purely based on mathematical proof.

Every 3 months the coin’s development team releases new features and updates, making Groestlcoin one of the most advanced coins on the market.

You can swap Groestlcoin without registration and KYC on LetsExchange for any coin listed on the platform, including BTC, ETH, XRP, and more than 210 others:
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Proof-of-work and proof-of-stake - differences, benefits, and drawbacks explained in simple words. What is better: Pow or Pos? When deciding about it, several aspects shall be considered and compared. Read about how to do it in the publication -
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
On Friday, April 23, the SafeMoon DeFi token was listed on LetsExchange to enable the massive SafeMoon community to swap hundreds cryptocurrencies for SafeMoon without registration.

We’ve been impressed by the SafeMoon community’s reaction to the news, yet the platform servers have been overwhelmed with a fascinating number of transaction requests. We’ve managed to increase the servers’ capacity in a few hours, but even that wasn’t enough to satisfy all the demand. The demand is so high that even the places we pull the liquidity from for Safemoon couldn’t handle the traffic. Which speaks volumes about the volumes.

To facilitate the processing of previously requested transactions, we had to set the lower limit for new SafeMoon swaps at the equivalent of $5,000. This is a temporary limit that will be lifted as soon as we complete the upgrade of our platform. We expect this to take around a week – please check back for updates here.

SafeMoon holders, you are a powerful community, and we’re doing our best to satisfy your demand for easy and safe SafeMoon swaps. All the delayed transactions will be completed and the LetsExchange platform’s capacity will be increased. Thank you for your patience and understanding, we’ll keep you updated on further developments regarding the SafeMoon token on
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange has been included in the list of the best exchange platforms by Blockchair. is a universal blockchain explorer and search engine that also lists the most prominent blockchain and crypto services including cryptocurrency exchanges.

You can now learn more about LetsExchange, an instant multi-currency exchange service that supports over 2,000 coins and tokens with more than 80 fiat currencies on

To exchange more than 2,000 coins instantly, anonymously, and safely, go to and convert crypto in a flash.
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
LetsExchange ( is a leading instant exchange service with over 3,800 supported cryptocurrencies and 80+ fiat currencies. The platform offers easy swaps with no limitations. Users do not have to register to exchange cryptocurrencies. A user-friendly interface makes every swap an easy and straightforward process, suitable for novices and seasoned traders alike.

The platform’s users can benefit from a number of advantages such as:
  • Beneficial rates for swapping significant sums.
  • The number of supported coins which is the highest in the market.
  • The absence of mandatory registration to use the service.
  • All main functionalities including crypto-to-crypto swaps, on- & off-ramp, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, etc.
  • Profitable affiliate programs.

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