To explain it a bit more, inventing a job means doing something on your own and creating an opportunity for yourself. This could also include creating opportunities for others too. Those who invent their own jobs can design positions that are in line with their particular skills, interests, and values. This gives them a sense of fulfilment and autonomy that may not be available in traditional employment options.
But it brings risks. In order to create or invent a job, you need investment. Each and every investment comes with risks and this is no different.
Finding a job also has its pros and cons. One pro is that it does not require investment of personal assets. You are working for an organization and you will get paid at the end of every month. With that being said, it is hard to find a job nowadays. Less opportunities and competition have made it so hard that many people are staying at home unemployed after graduation. You need particular skills, knowledge and experience that are required in order to get that job.
So which one should it be? Do you take the risk and invent a job or do you want to keep running the race knowing the possibility of winning is very low and you may never reach the finish line?
[NOTE: if this topic has been discussed before then let me know.]
This is the logic that every entrepreneur uses, often finding gaps in the market and capitalising it to the max, with as much speed as possible. If you are first to market and able to push your product far enough, then it can give you a huge advantage in the long term. That being said, it is not an easy task to create and run your own business, especially when you're doing it solo and it's often best to seek legal and accounting advice in the early stages of you're about to release a product or service. Having the right insurance is also key.