Using gamblers as an example who start out with just the intention to have fun maybe and then along the line turn into addicted gamblers that gambling begin to affect other areas of their life like their wellbeing like they stop spending on some important things just so they can make money available for gambling.
That reason people should avoid gambling and if they are unable to avoid addiction in the future. Gambling will make you interested in continuing to try because of curiosity and many addicted gamblers that end tragically losing all the property they have. Gambling for fun is another part of gambling addiction and both will end the same when someone is unable to control, even though there are currently many gambling that are easier to reach by anyone.
Now talking about investing, I think it is possible to become addicted to investing so much that it begins to affect your wellbeing, like the person stops spending on other important things like good food, good clothes etc. just so they can have more money to invest? Do you consider that kind of addiction dangerous and not good?
Addiction in investing is far more relevant and the reason is clear to increase the level of financial improvement, as long as you learn the basic things in every investment you run. For me it's not about addiction in investing, but one must be ready in the decisions taken in an investment and most importantly everyone can adjust and not push themselves in amounts that are not ready to lose.
When investment experience is getting better people can try to increase the amount slightly greater and it will continue to be improved in accordance with the ability in our investment journey. For me investment addiction is not a problem, as long as it can be adjusted to the capabilities of the capital owned.