Using gamblers as an example who start out with just the intention to have fun maybe and then along the line turn into addicted gamblers that gambling begin to affect other areas of their life like their wellbeing like they stop spending on some important things just so they can make money available for gambling. Now talking about investing, I think it is possible to become addicted to investing so much that it begins to affect your wellbeing, like the person stops spending on other important things like good food, good clothes etc. just so they can have more money to invest? Do you consider that kind of addiction dangerous and not good?
Nothing is enough. Gladly i have also started to invest myself. I don't even mind where we are on the bull run or bear run. I can't ever sell the absolute top anyway. But if i need to invest to myself, my health or to my kids. I am not looking at the charts at that point. It's no use to invest your money if you don't use it when you have it.