I was planning on creating a asset on GLBSE for GBF
What's your opinion on it? do you have any feedback or criticism?
Hi DT! I haven't invested with you yet, but will real soon now.
My preference (at this time) is that you don't list GBF on GLBSE. I only see disadvantages to doing that.
Your time and energy are limited and valuable. Best conserve them for GBF and your research projects.
Dealing with a GBF GLBSE vehicle creates too many (both unavoidable and potential) administrative and legal issues.
I'd prefer you concentrate exclusively on maximizing our returns. Don't go too big, small is beautiful, keep it simple, etc.
Unless there's a very good reason, why not avoid the headaches of dealing with PITA GLBSE compliance and the additional institutional risk exposure?
I guess liquidity would improve, but that's not nearly as important to me as keeping returns positive and optimizing the fund's internal structure.
Are you considering the listing to avoid dealing with account management? I see how that makes sense, but you could automate much of it without an IPO.
For example, instead of manually adding new investments/funds piecemeal, I'd like to just set the auto-payout on my pool to point at my GBF account (because time is money).
Hello, first of all nice meeting you and I am glad to hear you are considering investing in GBF
, I see your point and I realize that listing on GLBSE might cause some problem and take more time then just continue with what I currently am doing. The reason why I wanted to list on GLBSE is because it has been requested by a couple of potential investors and it's also a way for people that want more liqudity to invest in GBF, as you funds are not locked in GBF until the weekend. This enables more people to take part of GBF and makes it easier for people that are active on GLBSE and possible don't want to create their own account to invest with GBF. But I get you point and I will take it into consideration.
My preference (at this time) is that you don't list GBF on GLBSE. I only see disadvantages to doing that.
Your time and energy are limited and valuable. Best conserve them for GBF and your research projects.
Dealing with a GBF GLBSE vehicle creates too many (both unavoidable and potential) administrative and legal issues.
I'd prefer you concentrate exclusively on maximizing our returns. Don't go too big, small is beautiful, keep it simple, etc.
Agree 100%
Being a GBF investor myself, I would add: Minimise the risk! I don't care if we miss the mega-buck raise when (if) the market recovers. We should (i think) be 0% based in gut feeling, only good information.
A positive comment I wanted to make also is that communication keeps trust up regardless of the bad week. Detailed updates and the logbook are very important. Keep that up. Moreover, perhaps if investors had an IRC channel or forum there would be more info, more discussion, more trust, better (maybe) ideas, and an emergency mechanism to prevent what happened last week (rapid events catching us unaware).
By the way, this is the way the market should be expected to behave consistently: seemingly unconnected events triggering rapid and substantial rises and falls, among relatively long periods of relative calm. For this reason, there can't be long periods where the market goes unobserved, or we will all suffer again.
1- I Vote 'no' to GBF in GLBSE. Lets focus and we'll do better
2- Keep communication strong
3- Consider opening #GBF on IRC or a GBF investors thread (or something along those lines)
4- Minimise the risk now (my opinion), let's not gamble on the 'recovery'
5- Focus
6- Thanks
I have to state as I always have, There is ALWAYS a risk, independent on how deep analysis I make and how much information I gather there's always a risk. I am always working actively to minimize this risk through analysis of the market and each share/offer. Indeed, I have been trying to keep a good and detailed log book, and post about any major update, I need feedback from you guys, what do you want to see? AnythingI can improve or make better in the spreadsheets?
They are for you guys, I already know what's going on and what I am investing in
, so please if you have any feedback I would be more then happy to take it to heart and improving my system.
The event would as said before not caught me as much off guard, if I would be acting under normal circumstances, it was unfortunate that the events happened during a week in which I didn't have much time7energy for the fund, hence as stated my reactions were slower then normal. Not much to say, more then that I will try to avoid it in the future, but yea I need to be allowed to have a life as well
1- I Vote 'no' to GBF in GLBSE. Lets focus and we'll do better
2- Keep communication strong
3- Consider opening #GBF on IRC or a GBF investors thread (or something along those lines)
4- Minimise the risk now (my opinion), let's not gamble on the 'recovery'
5- Focus
6- Thanks
I would like to add I agree with all of these. Not sure I like the idea of GLBSE, least of all because it makes it more difficult to compound interest.
There is actually a IRC channel already setup at #GBF anyone that want to join please do, I will always be in that channel as long as I am not sleeping etc, if you want to ask me anything, or just chat in general then join