By the way, notice, all this steps with getting password intended for PIONEERS and EARLY ADOPTER, who believed devs and their ideas new technology and hardly for those who go with the crowd and use already well prepared and tested technologies.
Hehe, by the way the ones who go with the crowd and use already well prepared and tested technologies, have the biggest amount of money in this world
I do not agree. Genius in the financial field, and in the technical field and any other, not those who live in the old way "in caves". That is those, that have VISION and new ideas. This is exactly the crowd goes after them, copying them.
You read too much of fairy tales about the "genuises who change the world, and make crowd follow them". That is just hype created to make people feel they can succeed using only their brains/talent/diligence, so people feel good. I suppose this is mostly propagandized in US, to back up the "American dream" and its viability. The reality is different, unfortunately. Geniuses are used, abused and recycled by the ones who rule by just knowing some old principles, old like this world.
But that is on very disputable topic and another discussion, which is definitely off-topic here, so we could all stay at our own opinions
The "genius" concept is usually misunderstood and, in my opinion, on the wrong focus.
True geniuses can't be used, abused or manipulated by anyone, by simple definition. The problem here as I said is the misunderstanding of the concept.
The fact that a person has a super-special abitlity that others cannot do (innate talent + tons of work), don't make this person look like a genious. This person will have a ++++ knowledge in area X, but most probably he/she won't know almost nothing about the rest areas of the universe.
In my opinion, a genious don't know the details about area X, but it knows the deep message and the profits behind this knowledge. The genious knows the deep outstanding information about almost all areas, and is capable to relate them for a certain goal.
Take it like a chessboard. There are lots of pawns, bishops, horses, towers, the king, and the queen. Most of people will say the queen is the genious, because she can do movements that all other pieces can't do. Don't be confused, the queen is just another piece (high qualified, but a piece at the end). The true genious is the PLAYER. He knows what different pieces can do, and he coordinates them to achieve a goal (win the other genius).
So maybe this old principles you say is what makes one being a genious, and not the Full-HD knowledge about a tiny area.
Was Einstein the most intelligent scientific of his time? I bet my balls that he wasn't. He didn't discovered or explored anything, he just attached information already known by others, and made a theory where all this information had a sense.
Was he intelligent? For sure. Was he the most intelligent? No way. Was he a genious? OF COURSE.