I followed the exact steps of http://collect.iotatoken.com/ and sent the 0.000xxxx BTC from the same wallet some days ago, but no news since, is it normal ?
Yes, it's normal.
I'm a little disagree- this is abnormal...
Step 2: After the sale ends you can collect your iotas from collect.iotatoken.com (goes live on 22nd of December)
collect means I can take my iotas...
When we can collect our iotas?
The address and amount you sent should be in this list. If you are in the list you get a percentage of the total amount of coins. There are 90 days to collect.
This crowdsale is for development, so the team is developing the software.
Sorry, but there is ''After the sale ends you can collect your iotas'' collect means take and not after 90 days, but after sale ends..., but I cannot take it now and cannot understand how many iotas I bought...
It is on OP... and I exactly thought that I will collect my Iotas on 22nd of December! not 3 month later,... not ''sorry... but right now we have big russian holidays for 2 weeks''...
More relevant question: you bought software, what are you going to do with it? We said you'd be able to collect your IOTAs, WHICH YOU ARE. The amount you collected is locked and only you can unlock it once BETA and wallet launches. So instead of complaining, please tell me what you are going to do with the tokens and then I can add you to our Ryver so we can discuss it, afaik there is nothing preventing you from beginning to use it right now. if you only bought for speculative purposes: your bad.
Will be happy to see what I bought, to test it and may be sell few of them, why not? You have in your pocket 0,5 of million of dollars already, haven't you???
It must be written there: After the sale ends, we are going in 2 weeks holidays and we don't know when you can collect you iotas , but now we are checking your BTC address ...