Nope. Haha, this must actually be the most absurd attempt at denial I have seen.
I see - so the stupid looking "pussy" with all the threats actually has nothing to show (why I am not surprised).
Go and lick your master's asshole (that would be CfB) and ask him for some more instructions seeing you've failed so badly to even make a dent.
(perhaps he recorded some stuff you can use)
Hah, oh Ian... How sad life must be for a man in his 50s to sit on a forum talking pure lies. Without even having to leak any private discussions I have exposed that you
1. Wanted me to lead your life's work (CIYAM), but had a mental breakdown when I declined, so badly that your own paid devs started questioning your sanity
2. That you're a raving alcoholic under the influence, which is well known amongst all those unfortunate souls that had to tolerate your insufferable presence in Nxt anno 2014
3. That you claim that you were the brains behind this tech company, but that you never got anything out of it because your boss didn't see your true potential. Again a story you told everyone 100s of times
4. That you asked me to help you kill Nxt, again something you tried to persuade more than just me into, which is why l8orre/Dirk also brought this up
5. You got some serious personal issues that I won't go into, this is quite self-evident though, so I didn't really have to bring it up.
Also hilarious how you go on about my co-founder CfB being my puppetmaster in some sort of thinly veiled attempt at causing some sort of drama between us, sorry to disappoint you, but once again you're wrong ;\ I remember you always hated CfB for not being a true 'software engineer'. Must hurt to see that we achieve so much more than you then...
I'm actually quite sad that you couldn't even muster up a single attempt at finding any flaws in either trinary logic or IOTA. Would expect more from a self-proclaimed 'software engineer'
But yeah, last time: bye for now