I am confused as to how to purchase pre-IPVO shares. I have to purchase XBONDs on Havelock?
XBOND Exchangable OfferingThrough partnership with LMB Holdings, TAT Investments has negotiated that the next round of shares be made exclusively to the holders of XBOND as a Pre-IPVO Offering. This offering will be made available for the 72 hours preceding the official IPVO (date to be determined). Any unsold shares from this round will be made available to existing private shareholders.
Pre-IPVO Redemption:Each XBOND unit may exchanged at the full face value, 0.001 bitcoins each, toward the purchase of shares of the underlying asset as released on BitFunder. XBOND holders will have first access to 500,000 shares at the price of 0.0025 bitcoins each. Shares will be allocated on a first come, first served basis according to the instructions below.
Pre-IPVO Redemption Rules & Instructions:To instigate a redemption exchange for Pre-IPVO this offering, simply transfer your bonds to the the XBOND issuer account within HavelockInvestments.com, Also, please send a corresponding email to
[email protected] confirming your desired Pre-IPVO purchase quantity desired, and your account name on the destination exchange.
- Pre-IPVO exchanges will be fulfilled in the order that the full transfer is received. If the Pre-IPVO-eligible share inventory is depleted, any remaining XBOND units will be pushed back to their owner. In this event, dividends earned in the interim will be returned with the XBOND units.
- Pre-IPVO purchases must be paid in full by redeeming XBOND units, and must be an EVEN NUMBER of shares. Bitcoins cannot be used to make up any differences.
- Once a share exchange request is received it is binding.
- Your order may be partially filled if the eligible inventory has been depleted.
- Pre-IPVO shares will provided 3 days after the IPVO opens on BitFunder.