From the recently updated prospectus:
Public investors currently hold 5,042,638 LMB Holdings shares (31.5164875% of the profits), whilst LMB Subsidiaries Limited (UK) shall hold 10,957,362 shares 68.4835125% of the profits), for a total of 16,000,000 LMB Holdings virtual shares, which represent 100% of the global profits of the LMB Subsidiaries Limited (UK).
The original structure was:
Public investors will hold 9,600,000 LMB Holdings shares (60% of the profits), whilst LMB Subsidiaries Limited (UK) shall hold 6,400,000 shares (40% of the profits), for a total of 16,000,000 LMB Holdings virtual shares, which represent 100% of the global profits of the LMB Subsidiaries Limited (UK).
So it looks like the shares that were not sold were just given to LMB (aka danny and his friends)? Did LMB Subsidiaries put money in to buy these shares?
Mr Brewster himself had nothing to invest with. I do not know how many time I will have to day this. He went to Cyprus with a suitcase worked crap jobs until all of a sudden found this........ Ok why work the crap jobs in the first place. He is the face of neo and bee. You think of the company, you think of him. He is the fall out person. Stupid on his part but he always had big dreams to get rich.
Again, you have not been reported too as investors. As investors you have a right to meet with the entire board not just a face. None of that information is being posted where it should and the original prospectus and updated one has many changes. It also mumbles on about what they do but NOT HOW THEY MAKE YOU MONEY. Isn't that what you want to know, "well great idea, so how does the dividend come back to me, how do I get return on my investment?" So far you have paid for a lot of advertising (which he sold as media exposure yet contact the media outlets, some was paid advertisement) , nice shining building, computers, office equipment rented Mr Brewster a lovely apartment, sent him overseas, paid for his fiancé gifts as well as other things. Yet no word on how you as an investor see returns.....
I believe that you have been sold a dream and now it seems that everyone is clinging to that hope that it works. Why are media out the front of their home? Why are the government not coming on board? Why you can use it to buy things, now the media person said you can't?
Finally why would he come to this web page, log in and not answer any of this. He has called people out in the past and I am waiting for him to call my claims out.....
No, he is not because he knows them of truth.