If one were to buy and hold solid avaerge coins (not a coin that kicks out and gets 10000% gain), but rather a nice steady gain like eth, Ltc etc (top 20) and starts with 10k, is it possible to reach a million without trading and buying/selling at highs and lows? If so, how long would you predict it would take? Or are most coins not going to last long term, so every 6 months would I have to rebalance with newer coins?
IF you have the money before and bought some ethereum, i think you are close to a million now, but if you are just talking now and will start now you will have a hard time for that. let say you have 100K USD before and invested it on ethereum, well we can all see that you reached your quota now. higher than expected.
even on bitcoin, if you did it you are a certified millionaire. hold and wait is the basic rule on this.