Your problem is not with me, it's with the way the protocol works right now.
So pls don't take it on me.
It is NOT my fault that the ones responsible failed to make sure that the protocol is secure.
The fact that I have 4 of my 12 Ants pointed at GHash doesn't make me selfish.
It just makes me a smart investor (in my point of view) since I would like to have my investment back.
I am not expecting to make ANY profit out of it because apparently BTC is more centralized than you (and I) think.
If you want to keep this going, go ahead.
Give it all you got.
That will not change the fact that it IS NOT GHash's fault NOR MINE, it's the ones who are responsible for making sure the network is secure.
Apparently it's not.
I'm just trying to point out that people aren't looking up the rates, and as such, there's been unnecessary hype and dooms-saying about the size of GHash.
You're not selfish man! It's that you like the pool and you're using it to your advantage.
I apologize if I made you feel like it was your fault. It's not! Don't worry, I'm just getting a little excited.
Than you for explaining your side