
Topic: Is Bitcoin part of the coming mark of the beast? - page 2. (Read 7490 times)

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250

We chose a chicken but rather than just burn it up on the altar of sacrifice, we basted it, put it on the grille, cooked it up nicely, after which we served it up with salad, chips and beer.

Fair enough. Enjoy this life as much as you can. It is only logical. After the meal, one finds hunger again not long after. There is a time for everything. Unfortunately, man's days on earth are numbered. Who has managed to avoid death?

Well, no one avoids death but that's not what we're writing about.

Hey, one of the folks at the BBQ today suggested that for next Shabbot, instead of goat or chicken, we round up some Long Pig.  Said Long Pig is a traditional sacrifice in many religious community, including Judaism and Christianity but I've not heard of it.

Long Pig, that is.

Can you help me out?

full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

We chose a chicken but rather than just burn it up on the altar of sacrifice, we basted it, put it on the grille, cooked it up nicely, after which we served it up with salad, chips and beer.

Fair enough. Enjoy this life as much as you can. It is only logical. After the meal, one finds hunger again not long after. There is a time for everything. Unfortunately, man's days on earth are numbered. Who has managed to avoid death?
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
I think I'll go out and sacrifice a goat or maybe a chicken.

That's part of it. But first we are required to purify ourselves. Then we require a priest from the Levites to intercede on our behalf. Even then the sacrifice is not perfect. Just FYI.

We chose a chicken but rather than just burn it up on the altar of sacrifice, we basted it, put it on the grille, cooked it up nicely, after which we served it up with salad, chips and beer.

full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
I think I'll go out and sacrifice a goat or maybe a chicken.

That's part of it. But first we are required to purify ourselves. Then we require a priest from the Levites to intercede on our behalf. Even then the sacrifice is not perfect. Just FYI.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
I think I'll go out and sacrifice a goat or maybe a chicken.

Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Lloydie is spot on. 100% agreed accept it's not a new covenant it was the exact same covenant from Genesis at the fall he prophesied the redemption and his overcoming Satan and the world of sin.
Other than that I don't follow my own way but I follow YHWH's way. We are each to find our way to do that, but I must go as it is now Sabbath. Shabbot Shalom.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

So you think all Bible schools are the same?  I think that there are some very good ones out there.  I went to a Christian college and loved my Bible teachers.  They really challenged me to take off my American English speaking glasses that I wear and read the Bible for what it really says, not for what we see because of the world view we personally have.  My husband even learned Biblical Greek there so he could read the Bible for what it really says and better understand what the original manuscripts were trying to tell us.  So I think making blanket statements that "Bible School Contradicts the Bible" is a little extreme don't you?  There are some great ones out there.  Sure there are some that are not so good to but not all are the same.

But I agree that we do have to choose which master we work for.  Some people think that they only serve themselves, but that is the exactly what Satan wants and in doing so are serving him, perhaps ignorantly.
By your own admission yes I say all Bible schools contradict the bible. You say that they taught you to read it for what it is. Can I ask you a few questions? Do you wear tzitzit? Do you cover your head? Do you think the torah and the "new" testament are 2 books or all the bible is one? Do you believe in Yahoushua or do you still call him the blasphemous Zeus name of Je Zues? I only ask if "school" taught you anything about these things at all or conveniently ignored it all? do you celebrate blasphemous christmas and ishtar easter? All of these are encouraged by "bible"school. I don't think it's extreme that the bible is written in ancient pictograph and paleo hebrew while the new testament is written also in either hebrew or aramaic but yet "school" taught you greek is the original text (lies) and now your husband knows the language of idolatrous polytheistic philosophers who hate YHWH and his word and seek to "rationalize" him out of existence and making doctrines of men over the word of YHWH.

The lie of getting you to learn greek the helenistic people who are responsible for destroying the Torah and YHWH's word while getting you to worship zues on the day of sun while deceiving you and hiding behind the YHWH of the bible is more than enough evidence for me to boldly say with all authority that yes ALL Bible schools contradict the bible as the rouch ha kodesh is our teacher and Yahoushua says no man is over another yet "school" has it's system of man's authority that cares about titles degrees and stature instead of truth of YHWH.
Are you starting to see any contradictions yet? Also what fruit do these schools produce. People like Meelvanchris who went there and learned from contradicting men that somehow YWHW contradicted himself? Or you and your husband who believe greek has to do with YHWH when his kadosh tongue is hebrew? aleph beyt vs alphabet.
As you yourself know, all the Ten Commandments are encompassed by the first two. Why complicate matters with schools, head covering and language? Your way is not the only way.

Love your God and your neighbour, these are the greatest of all commands. The son of god fulfilled these commands.

Let's be clear that god has the power to create new covenants. It is not for man to limit god. Also, let's be honest and acknowledge that the house of Israel has failed to abide by the laws handed down to them.

I see no problems with the concept of a living sacrifice. I see it is as an ongoing solution to an ongoing problem.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100


please note that the 6 bar has a slightly thicker left side than the right where as the two thin lines are read as a blank

What number on the barcode is the most similar to the spacing lines?  It looks more like a 6 than any other number though.

Whatever is the case. No one can deny that it is now technologically feasible to satisfy revelations 13:17.  Where before we could use cash to avoid such a law, in a bitcoin protocol world, every single transaction can be tracked.

I suspect that control won't come from the protocol itself. The control will come from laws that implement scanners which require a private key plus ID proof (maybe fingerprint but eventually DNA). One reason for this could be to "prevent terrorism".

We are many years from that day but no one can deny that the technology exists today. Already I note that people are producing encrypted private keys using the grain of wood as the encoding mechanism. Soon it will be fingerprints then the next step is to use DNA.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

(1) That should read "Ad Hominem", not "ad homonym".

(2) Although I consider most religious types to be batshit crazy, I did not call you any names; name calling being the basis for an AD HOMINEM claim, so you may put that one where the Sun doesn't shine, as it were.  Red Herring, maybe but certainly not "AD HOMINEM"!

Now, please allow me to digress and get full-bore AD HOMINEM on you so that you can see just how it is done!

I consider religious types to be superstitious, primitive in their thinking, possibly deranged to an astonishing degree and in need of therapy, medication or both.  Religious types have started more wars than anything but political types and there may be some doubt that politicians are ahead!

Religious typoes believe that "My god is better than your god!" so they advocate for killing non-believers in scroes, droves and millions!

Religious types tell us that their god is a "loving god", while their mouldy tomes tell us of the many, many occasions on which the so-called "loving god" has murdered by the gazillions.

In short, religious types represent the single greatest danger to the future of human kind and should be watched closely.

My $.02.

Yes. This is true. Religious types are guilty of many of those things you say. So how does one distinguish a religious person from a god fearing person?  The religious person attacks. The god fearing person is understanding. At the end, religion is a personal experience IMHO therefore there is no good in asserting the superiority of a personal faith.

You are also right about debates. I don't see how it is fruitful to have damaging debates over who is right because none of us truly know. We are all believers by faith. Who has actually seen god or heaven?

God is love but as mentioned before, god chooses those whom he loves and those whom he wishes to destroy. He is god and does as he wishes. Life is for him to give or takeaway. Even you yourself will choose what to accept and what you wish to discard.

God is infinite love but the law of sin and death still applies. If you wish to approach god, do so humbly with an attitude of reverence. God loves a humble spirit and he will knock down those who are arrogant by allowing them to become more arrogant and satisfied in their own thinking. He will cause them to be blind, so that their own actions condemn themselves. I pray to escape such a fate myself.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100

Hitler, Goebbels and Goring were willing to die for Nazism.

By your logic " It should prove that there is more to it though and at least be respected if you don't want to believe it."

It will be a great day for the world when humanity, if ever, realises that there is no need for made-up gods and superstition.

My $.02.


If there is no belief in an afterlife, then it is only logical to maximise the utility of this life. As the world we currently live in is finite, there will surely be insufficient resources. How will that be a great day for your descendants or for humanity?
Forgive my ignorance on how the other two names you mentioned may have been willing but I would like to correct you at least about Hitler and his being a coward who was NOT willing to die for his "belief" of nazism. You are intentionally deceiving people now, but I will keep giving you the truth over your lies. Hitler was a jew and a coward. By his own account he should have committed suicide the second he accepted nazism as by his own definition he was jewish. Contradiction 1. Secondly in regards to willing to die... lol I'm pretty sure only one of two events happened. Upon him losing the war he committed suicide like a little coward aka not willing to be tried publicly and die for what he believes in unlike believers of YHWH. Option 2 it was a double who he shot in the head while he escaped to look like a suicide EITHER WAY he was a coward and was NOT willing to die for what he believed in. Committing suicide as an escape to NOT be scrutinized for what you believe DOES NOT constitute Hitler was willing to die for what he believed.

It will be a great day for humanity when the world, which it will, will have to bow down and every tongue confess that there is YHWH, that he is love, and that he has loved us.

Please like I said before you and Obama can keep your "change" keep your $.02

The way that god demonstrates his love is through his people. By flaming (intentionally or otherwise) them you could be doing the opposite of god's intention. Let's be understanding and tolerant, even as god was forgiving of our sins.  In Jude, the archangel refused to condemn satan himself. The most that Michael would say is "may The Lord rebuke you." Therefore, let's be careful in calling anyone a coward, whether it is the truth or not. It is not our place to judge as humans on this planet.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001


please note that the 6 bar has a slightly thicker left side than the right where as the two thin lines are read as a blank

What number on the barcode is the most similar to the spacing lines?  It looks more like a 6 than any other number though.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0


please note that the 6 bar has a slightly thicker left side than the right where as the two thin lines are read as a blank
Activity: 26
Merit: 0

Bitcoin is nowhere near achieving the status you delusional nutjobs have convinced yourselves it has reached.  If anything, Bitcoin is receding in popularity, and will continue to do so as more people see the insane fantasyland most people involved with crypto believe they are living in.

I realize your desire-for-money receptors have forcibly disabled your logic centers, but come on...
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I've thought about this. There are two characteristics that the biblical currency needs to have: 1. Controlled (like the dollar) and 2. Globally accepted (where bitcoin is going). So far no currencies qualify.
You are correct but fail to see how bitcoin is all of the above, just not fully shown for what it is. Globally accepted safe to say we all agree it is going/ almost achieved one world currency status. The first issue of control does not show it's ugly head until AFTER another "false flag terrorist" attack. It will be linked to BTC and will be used to create the outcry for control on BTC. Solution is take a single wallet address that is "tattoo" or injected in the right hand and access all BTC. This of course takes place after fiat is officially dead so choice of red pill or blue pill? Take the mark and be rich or deny the mark and be cut off from all buying selling and trading with the "civilized" mark accepting society. I tend to agree with the other theory that the DNA will also be attached with the SS# etc authenticating all transactions by biometric confirmations. We all see how fiat is controlled problem is most will not see how BTC is controlled and who really controls it until it is too late.
The feds murder people for MUCH LESS than taking away all their power and control of central banking/ fiat currency. NO WAY they are not in on this as they have already had several meetings to discuss BTC already. Do you REALLY think they would sit back and let it happen if it wasn't inevitably a trap?
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
I've thought about this. There are two characteristics that the biblical currency needs to have: 1. Controlled (like the dollar) and 2. Globally accepted (where bitcoin is going). So far no currencies qualify.

A "biblical currency"?


My $.02.

Activity: 1078
Merit: 1006
100 satoshis -> ISO code
I've thought about this. There are two characteristics that the biblical currency needs to have: 1. Controlled (like the dollar) and 2. Globally accepted (where bitcoin is going). So far no currencies qualify.

full member
Activity: 167
Merit: 100
I've thought about this. There are two characteristics that the biblical currency needs to have: 1. Controlled (like the dollar) and 2. Globally accepted (where bitcoin is going). So far no currencies qualify.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
First, I laughed.

Then, after realizing this thread wasn't intended as a joke, and many of the people in it actually believe this stuff, I stopped laughing.

Then, after seeing people complimenting each others' intelligence, I started laughing again.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

ah once again the self proclaimed intellectual trolls have resorted to ad homonym yet again. Your "intelligence" has no rebuttals so instead you resort to child like name calling. Sadly your ad homonyms work for the majority of sheep who think similar to you and boast about their tolerance vs "religious intolerance" ironic. In your "tolerance" you don't tolerate people who think "differently" "religious" because you claim they themselves are intolerant.... MAKES YOU WONDER, DOESN'T IT?

(1) That should read "Ad Hominem", not "ad homonym".

(2) Although I consider most religious types to be batshit crazy, I did not call you any names; name calling being the basis for an AD HOMINEM claim, so you may put that one where the Sun doesn't shine, as it were.  Red Herring, maybe but certainly not "AD HOMINEM"!

Now, please allow me to digress and get full-bore AD HOMINEM on you so that you can see just how it is done!

I consider religious types to be superstitious, primitive in their thinking, possibly deranged to an astonishing degree and in need of therapy, medication or both.  Religious types have started more wars than anything but political types and there may be some doubt that politicians are ahead!

Religious typoes believe that "My god is better than your god!" so they advocate for killing non-believers in scroes, droves and millions!

Religious types tell us that their god is a "loving god", while their mouldy tomes tell us of the many, many occasions on which the so-called "loving god" has murdered by the gazillions.

In short, religious types represent the single greatest danger to the future of human kind and should be watched closely.

My $.02.

I guess I will apologize for the website autocorrect changing ad hominem to homonym.
I accept your comments on your religious views. Your religion is accepted by many and many share the same faith as you. Hitler the coward and many other anti christs all agree with you. In short your theological doctrine you blindly follow is widely accepted, problem is you cannot see that you are following religion yourself. So basically every single accusation you have made also equally if not greater than apply to you and your religion as well.
I find no coincidence in your use of the word murder yet clearly if anything a court of law would view it as self defense. YHWH retaliating against nimrod for example when he built the tower of babel and tried to shoot YHWH with an arrow (who's crazy now?) YHWH simply confused the tongue. When the innocence of the world was taken and children were being raped and brought up to rape other innocent children yes he destroyed those disgusting abominable acts. Problem is you are so wrapped up in sin you cannot think clearly. I accept your attacks at religion as I do not follow religion, but have you looked in the mirror and realized you are the one following religion?


Activity: 14
Merit: 0
First, I laughed.

Then, after realizing this thread wasn't intended as a joke, and many of the people in it actually believe this stuff, I stopped laughing.

Then, after seeing people complimenting each others' intelligence, I started laughing again.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

ah once again the self proclaimed intellectual trolls have resorted to ad homonym yet again. Your "intelligence" has no rebuttals so instead you resort to child like name calling. Sadly your ad homonyms work for the majority of sheep who think similar to you and boast about their tolerance vs "religious intolerance" ironic. In your "tolerance" you don't tolerate people who think "differently" "religious" because you claim they themselves are intolerant.... MAKES YOU WONDER, DOESN'T IT?

(1) That should read "Ad Hominem", not "ad homonym".

(2) Although I consider most religious types to be batshit crazy, I did not call you any names; name calling being the basis for an AD HOMINEM claim, so you may put that one where the Sun doesn't shine, as it were.  Red Herring, maybe but certainly not "AD HOMINEM"!

Now, please allow me to digress and get full-bore AD HOMINEM on you so that you can see just how it is done!

I consider religious types to be superstitious, primitive in their thinking, possibly deranged to an astonishing degree and in need of therapy, medication or both.  Religious types have started more wars than anything but political types and there may be some doubt that politicians are ahead!

Religious typoes believe that "My god is better than your god!" so they advocate for killing non-believers in scroes, droves and millions!

Religious types tell us that their god is a "loving god", while their mouldy tomes tell us of the many, many occasions on which the so-called "loving god" has murdered by the gazillions.

In short, religious types represent the single greatest danger to the future of human kind and should be watched closely.

My $.02.

I guess I will apologize for the website autocorrect changing ad hominem to homonym.
I accept your comments on your religious views. Your religion is accepted by many and many share the same faith as you. Hitler the coward and many other anti christs all agree with you. In short your theological doctrine you blindly follow is widely accepted, problem is you cannot see that you are following religion yourself. So basically every single accusation you have made also equally if not greater than apply to you and your religion as well.
I find no coincidence in your use of the word murder yet clearly if anything a court of law would view it as self defense. YHWH retaliating against nimrod for example when he built the tower of babel and tried to shoot YHWH with an arrow (who's crazy now?) YHWH simply confused the tongue. When the innocence of the world was taken and children were being raped and brought up to rape other innocent children yes he destroyed those disgusting abominable acts. Problem is you are so wrapped up in sin you cannot think clearly. I accept your attacks at religion as I do not follow religion, but have you looked in the mirror and realized you are the one following religion?
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
First, I laughed.

Then, after realizing this thread wasn't intended as a joke, and many of the people in it actually believe this stuff, I stopped laughing.

Then, after seeing people complimenting each others' intelligence, I started laughing again.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

ah once again the self proclaimed intellectual trolls have resorted to ad homonym yet again. Your "intelligence" has no rebuttals so instead you resort to child like name calling. Sadly your ad homonyms work for the majority of sheep who think similar to you and boast about their tolerance vs "religious intolerance" ironic. In your "tolerance" you don't tolerate people who think "differently" "religious" because you claim they themselves are intolerant.... MAKES YOU WONDER, DOESN'T IT?

(1) That should read "Ad Hominem", not "ad homonym".

(2) Although I consider most religious types to be batshit crazy, I did not call you any names; name calling being the basis for an AD HOMINEM claim, so you may put that one where the Sun doesn't shine, as it were.  Red Herring, maybe but certainly not "AD HOMINEM"!

Now, please allow me to digress and get full-bore AD HOMINEM on you so that you can see just how it is done!

I consider religious types to be superstitious, primitive in their thinking, possibly deranged to an astonishing degree and in need of therapy, medication or both.  Religious types have started more wars than anything but political types and there may be some doubt that politicians are ahead!

Religious typoes believe that "My god is better than your god!" so they advocate for killing non-believers in scroes, droves and millions!

Religious types tell us that their god is a "loving god", while their mouldy tomes tell us of the many, many occasions on which the so-called "loving god" has murdered by the gazillions.

In short, religious types represent the single greatest danger to the future of human kind and should be watched closely.

My $.02.

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