This my seem off topic, however it you have read this thread, you will see how it is not.
I imagine something like this in the future.
Little Kid runs up to his Grandparents house and rings the bell. Grandma opens the door. Little Kid gives her a big hug and ask where is Granddad. Grandma tells him and Little Kid runs to Granddad. Granddad is sitting.
Little Kid: "Granddad, Granddad! Tell me again about the start of BitCoin and how you got rich. Please Granddad, please!"
Grandma: Overhearing, "Don't pester your Granddad about that."
Granddad: "It's okay, Ma. I never get tired talking about that." He shifts in his chair while the Little Kid sits at is feet. He looks straight ahead at something The Kid can not see. He is looking at the past.
Granddad: "It was in 2011. You were not born then. It was a different time. We had our first black president, his name was..."
Little Kid: Interrupts, "Granddad. That is wrong. You don't call them black, you call them..."
Granddad: Interrupts sternly, "Wasn't I talking, you know better."
Little Kid: In a small voice, "Sorry."
Granddad: "Okay." Rubs the Little Kids head, "Don't let it happen again... Now, where was I?.... I remember. It was in 2010. I had a something called a website." He smiles, "those were good times. Very good times." He coughs.
Little Kid: "Want me to get you some water?"
Granddad: "No thanks... Well I had this website that people came to" Granddad smiles while remembering, "and I was in the Bitcoin business. I was scamming people from here to Sunday."
Little Kid: "Didn't those suckers know they were getting scammed?"
Granddad: "Not at first. Once they did, they stopped being scammed."
Little Kid: "Wasn't that bad for you?"
Granddad: "You would think so. However for each one scammed person that quit, two more took his place!"
Little Kid: "Really!?!"
Granddad: "Really!"
Little Kid: "But what about the scammed people who stopped. Didn't they try to warn the new people?"
Granddad: "Yes. however this is the great part of the scam. I only scammed a little from each person"
Litlle Kid: Looking confused, "But if you only got a little, how did you get rich?"
Granddad: Gently Grasping the Little Kid's face and turned it to him so they were face to face, "Listen carefully, a little bit from a lot of people is a lot."
Little Kid: Talking slowly, "Okay. But what happened when the scammed people tried to warn others about the scam?"
Granddad: "Ooo. This is the good part. When they tried to tell people, they were told that it was their fault for getting scammed!"
Little Kid: "That doesn't sound right"
Granddad: Smiling, "It was crazy times."
Little Kid: "I love that story granddad. Wow, look at the time. Mom will be here soon. Can I get some BitCoins?"
Granddad: "Sure" Then Granddad transferred some Bitcoins in a way that people in 2010 and 2011 would envy.
Grandma: After The Kid left, "You know you were played for your Bitcoins, right?"
GrandDad: "Yea."
Grandma: "Do you also remember that I had a website and I scammed more people then you?"
Granddad: "Yea, that is why I married you." Then moved in for a kiss.
Grandma: Smiling, "Those were some good times." and allows herself to be kissed.