Could you please respond again and answer the following questions?
Actually no. I am not representing BitcoinPlus, so I am keeping further information regarding myself and that site out, because I can see how my posts seem.
I can understand how you would not like to answer any questions about yourself. What I don't understand is why you will not answer questions about BCP (if you are not representing them). I also don't understand
"how your post my seem" is a reason why not to answer.
I came to this forum to learn (first) and to help others (if I can). This thread is to teach (beware of BCP).
I assume you came to this forum for the same reasons. Another reason you may have come is to promote your site. I don't have a problem with that, I just wish that I could also promote something. My BitCoin address that is located in my signuature is not doing it
I like their technology
So do I. I admit that I don't understand it.
What I do understand is that they are not doing what they should. They promise something (BTC) and are not delivering (or at least putting up so many roadblocks that you don't want them to deliver).
I still feel you are kind of over attacking them for something that still seems to me to slight user error.
This is something else I don't understand. If you would have answered my questions, then I may have understood (beating a dead horse, I know).
Was my error is that I believed that they would do what they said they would do? Was that my
slight user error? If so, how can I correct this so it would not happen again? Sorry, another question (which I assume you are not going to answer).
you are considering taking a person to small claims court
No. Did you read what I wrote after that? It was:
Will I do that? No and this is why the scam is good.
This was me admiring BCP. As a scam it is good. What could a person who was caught in this scam do?
Email them? Been there, did that. See one of my posts to this thread to see what happened.
Short answer, nothing happened (other then they
admitting that they should change things).
Go to the police? I am not a lawyer, however I would say no. After explaining what happened (and what a BitCoin is). Then it would come down to how much you have lost in money. When you tell the officer that it is less then $1.00 (really less then 50 cents, however you don't tell the officer that), then I assume that you would be told that this is a civil matter (which means suing them).
Granted, this crime is on the internet and crosses different states. So truly this should be a federal crime.
A federal crime on something that cost lest then 50 cents. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I know this, (again) that is why the scam is good.
Almost makes me want to take up a life of crime. Right now I'm trying to live my life with a "Do No Evil" attitude. If I decide to drop that, then I would consider a BCP type of scam.
not at the rates in which it was advertised
The first thing I thought was that you are missing the point. I could be wrong (it has happened before and will happen again). What do you mean? Sorry, another question (feel free to not answer and explain your answer).
I am really sorry about your situation
Do you really mean that? If so, thank you (?). There is nothing you can do for me (that I can think of). You may be able to help the people who are still being scammed (I know you don't like that word, give me another word I can sink my teeth into). How can you do this?
Do not support BCP and warn others to do the same (until BCP decides to do the right thing). Doing this will cost you BTC, however I believe it is the thing to do.
some here may not have known that the 9 cents they were mining for was costing them far more.
That is some very good information. People should know that, however that is missing the point.
Scam is just a big word that should be reserved for sites that deserve it, I see BCP's fuck ups, I still don't see it as a scam what so ever.
Maybe I am starting to understand you. In your statement, you used the word big. Is size important (set aside your porn business
If the amount of BTC was worth $1,000.00 and BTC kept the same policy. Would it be a scam then?
If not, how much does BTC have to be worth for you to consider this to be a scam? I know, more questions.