Is Capitalism flawed? I used to believe that Capitalism solves issues, but if I really look around me, it actually only creates more issues that were not here before.
I cringe when I see somebody ask the question without first defining the term "Capitalism".
First, tell us how you define Capitalism because otherwise you will get a hundred answers, none of which may even be addressing the same idea.
I'll answer your questions using what I consider to be the traditional definition, from
CAPITALISM - "Also called
free enterprise,
private enterprise. an economic system
based on the private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange, characterized by the freedom of capitalists to operate or manage their property for profit in competitive conditions"
So the distinction that needs to be made is whether you are referring to a free market system (purely private property) or a mixed socialist economy (where the government intervenes when it sees fit). The essence of Government is being a
monopoly on the use of force. In other words, if you don't comply, men with guns will eventually kidnap you and throw you in a cage. When the Government pokes its finger into the natural, voluntary, free movement of individual exchange, it is much the same as stepping on an Ant hill or maybe burning down part of a forest ecosystem. People will simply route around the inefficiency e.g. black markets.
If you define Capitalism as what you see in most Western countries today, than you won't agree with me. For the sake of argument and simplicity though, I think it makes sense to view the Economy as an ecosystem or natural order composed of Billions of actors working independently, yet also cooperatively through free exchange. The saying, "Live and let live" really sums it up well I think. The people that seek to intervene, manipulate and control the economy are extremely arrogant, economic illiterates who probably do not even have their own lives or families sorted out yet, most likely due to their own uncertainties, fears and lack of moral compass, they wish to impose their will on through the power of state legislation instead of leading by example.
> There are many rich people with tons of capital but there are more unemployed people that will not have access to that
> People are living in luxury mansions and driving very expensive car, and then kids are starving in other places
> Profits of companies is going up, but real wages going down, people are living paycheck to paycheck
> Everyone is in debt, nobody has any savings, and most people are working part time jobs
> Nobody has a house, nobody can afford one, yet real estate speculators own thousands of them
> Banks have trillions of $ of money, but they still charge you 50$ / transaction because of their greed
> People have no future prospects, no career opportunity, they just live from paycheck to paycheck trying to pay off the debt and buy some shit GMO food filled with poison, because why sell healthy food to the public when the GMO food is more profitable?
It looks to me like Capitalism is flawed. Nobody has any money and everyone is suffering. I think a universal income must be implemented as fast as possible.
There will always be rich and poor. Dominant or weak. Free markets will not create a utopia where everyone is equal, however they will give everyone the best chance.
Government exacerbates the problems you've highlighted because the rich and corrupt simply capture it and use legislation to make themselves richer. It's the collective delusion that state power is legitimate, which gives these sociopaths the opportunity to control us. Why do you think Bill Gates can't just create mandates and expect people to obey? Because he has no coercive authority! Microsoft is nobody, but call yourself a Government and now you have legitimacy in the eyes of the slaves. In fact, Slaves will beg you to increase your power because they believe it's moral and legitimate.
In a free market, entrepreneurs must necessarily provide value to many people in order to become wealthy. They need to persuade you to buy their products. Unrestricted competition keeps their greed in check.
In socialism, government claims they need to forcibly intervene to keep business in check. In other words, people (government) claim that using coercive power is sometimes necessary because the market is inherently flawed. Once you go down the road of excusing violence, you never come back!
So in my opinion, Free Market Capitalism is not flawed, nor is it a "system" that has been imposed. It is simply the natural order or an ecosystem composed of billions of individual actors, exchanging voluntarily. When somebody violates your private property by using physical force or fraud, then they should be punished obviously, but we don't do that by granting a complete and total monopoly on that "justice system" to a government. If we do, then the question is, who will regulate the regulators? Who will investigate the investigators?
Crony Capitalism, Crapitalism or Socialism are the terms I would give to the corrupt systems we currently have in the West. If you want to define Capitalism this way, than I would completely agree with you that it's very flawed.