Is Capitalism flawed? I used to believe that Capitalism solves issues, but if I really look around me, it actually only creates more issues that were not here before.
> There are many rich people with tons of capital but there are more unemployed people that will not have access to that
> People are living in luxury mansions and driving very expensive car, and then kids are starving in other places
> Profits of companies is going up, but real wages going down, people are living paycheck to paycheck
> Everyone is in debt, nobody has any savings, and most people are working part time jobs
> Nobody has a house, nobody can afford one, yet real estate speculators own thousands of them
> Banks have trillions of $ of money, but they still charge you 50$ / transaction because of their greed
> People have no future prospects, no career opportunity, they just live from paycheck to paycheck trying to pay off the debt and buy some shit GMO food filled with poison, because why sell healthy food to the public when the GMO food is more profitable?
It looks to me like Capitalism is flawed. Nobody has any money and everyone is suffering. I think a universal income must be implemented as fast as possible.
The renegade economist Michael Hudson is in my opinion right about the current economical model. We are heading towards the feudalism. The reason for that, is not what we call capitalism, or something like that. The reason for that is a profit taking from a rent. People are aquiring the gains from the rent. There should be a division from wealth - which could be a knowledge, money, means of production etc., and distinct it from the unjustified gain like from renting something. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy - its a problem of defining wealth and making it distinct from being a rentier.
If someone for example is giving the factory to workers, he should have something from it. Thats just. But.... the gain from the fact that he have factory should be minimalise to some time. For example a 20 or 30 years. If that would not happen there is no difference between the factory owner and feudal nobility, that capitalism was suppose to make obsolete.
The problem with this system is ujustified rent seeking - the definition of feudal model in itself.