I took one step forward in this diversification idea, and I took a look at this site:
https://www.bitwiseinvestments.com/They have some passive funds, which are similar to an ETF.
They have those Cryptocurrency Index funds, which are Top10, Top100, etc... by market capitalization. They do not do fundamentals research or whatever. They just pick the top cryptocurrency by market capitalization, this is why they are a
passive fund.
I compared the performance of all those funds agaisnt bitcoin since january 2017 and since one year ago. Especially the Top10 one, which you can see its composition on the right side (only "good"coins, eth, xrp, dash, ada, bch, xml....)
The result? Bitcoin has a better performance.
You can check here:
Since November 2018, Top 10 cryptocurrencies performance was 10%, while bitcoin 37%.
If you look at top 70 (more shitcoins), their performance was -50%, while bitcoin +37%.
Top100 was 6%, while bitcoin 37%.
Considering since 2017 1st January (since fund launched), top10 perfomance was slightly better: 844% vs 807% bitcoin. So top10 performed slighty better (5% more money), however with much more risk.
Conclusion: Sell your shitcoins and buy bitcoin. It is better in long term and less risky. (considering past performance)