Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?
It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.
For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.
The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:
"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.
This is the difference between a Trump and Bernie supporter:
One of us checks his facts before posting...
The other makes up bullshit lies (then accuses me of doing the same)
I suppose you are simply following Dear Leader's example?
It's not like Trump checks his facts before re-tweating neo-nazi propaganda...
(see Trumps tweet claiming blacks murder white 81%... real number is 14%, white on white = 83%)