Is it safe to say that Donald Trump "Make America great again" is Independent and not controlled by the elites (Rockfeller's , Rotchschild's etc.. ) or he is just like every other president the U.S had , a puppet ? If he is not then are we going to see the same end that JFK had ?
Eventually, we will stop believing in monolithic evil for its own sake.
Also, hell to the no Trump is independent. He is following the ultra right/alt right playbook ATM, that's decidedly red. Trump has Russia as his master, and the corporate interest his administration serves (there is s reason why defunding the EPA was a campaign slogan). So we will strip away environmental regulations, and worker safeties, and promote coal. And we will lower corporate taxes. Sound familiar? It is. Old school Rebuplican textbook. This is trickle down economics, dusted off and cleaned up with a new label. A populist label.