Some people believe that global warming is just the conspiracy to control the development of industrial country. Sometime, I think so. What about you?
Some people believe the earth is flat.
You have to realize not everyone has the same intelligence. Those who took chemistry in high school will understand global warming is real.
Pretty much everyone 'believes global warming is real', and that it has been going on since the last ice-age. As with any such phenomenon, it is not a straight line.
Some people believe that a minor trace gas in the atmosphere which is not the major 'greenhouse gas', and of which human activity accounts for a minor portion of even that, is going to cause the death of the planet. They have a solution fortunately: Give their sponsors a lot of money and power to solve the crisis. Rarely do they elaborate on exactly how this is going to help. No surprise here since there are no very compelling answers to that question.
It is noteworthy that the 'believers' group are the ones who are very involved in re-writing history, and the result of their edits always gets rid of the pesky artifacts such as '
the medieval warming period' and the '
little ice age.' Since people were not running around in SUVs at the time these events are not helpful to the bad people and their CO2 narrative.
It is also this 'believers' group who have modified 'old science.' Now data and methods and such which feed into a result are intellectual property and not subject to scrutiny. How very interesting...
For a better explanation of what is going on with 'global warming', and the history of the actual players, this is a very very interesting two-part documentary which I highly recommend: