Because big boys are asking so and won't wait any longer for obvious reasons. The limit also limit these companies to mass marketeer their products.
The right thing to do would be to not cave into their selfish demands.
They clearly have only their own pockets in mind.
Well, bitcoin is money. What do you expect? You expect these companies that have invested millions to run at a loss without making profits forever? You expect them to loose their investment without doing anything because bitcoin doesn't scale ?
These companies were sold by Gavin & Mike the idea that "bitcoin doesn't scale" and that their business will suffer because of it. They are somehow under the impression that current block size impedes their growth and is a danger to the future growth they themselves sold to their investors.
Growth projection is a very tricky thing but if we are to believe the current trend we are still quite below the current limit and should stay so for awhile. There was no reasonable basis for those so-called industry "leaders" to precipitate the issue and stand behind one "solution" when it was clear the model had considerable opposition from various actors in the ecosystem. Especially seeing as the Scaling Bitcoin workshops had shown encouraging signs that a legitimate resolution process was starting to take place that could hopefully reconcile everyone and re-establish consensus.
This is simply a hack job of lobbying by the XT developers to force the issue by pulling strings using their industry influence.
Yup but the cold reality is that at the end of the day, money talks.
yea, our money. not them parasites VCs straight from the printers BS money.
decentralized consensus: not gonna happen.
You can laugh all you want but it won't change the fact that these company with their BS money have more influence than you and me. You'd better accept this sooner than later. Bitcoin is not more your money than their money.