For sure Bittrex is the go to exchange for Gulden but there is a lot to be said for the direct access to/exit from the Gulden market through Guldentrader/Nocks and Litebit. Trying to untether a crypto from bitcoins volatile price fluctuations seems difficult. It's a long road to achieve some independency but to standalone might be the best course for survival.
I don't need more examples and price comparisons of how Bitcoin has outperformed Gulden etc, the fact remains that if Bitcoin plummets for whatever reason it might take down a lot of cryptos in its wake.
There, we agree!
No matter how much Bitcoin has outperformed Gulden, once it goes down, Gulden takes the lead, face down in the dirt!
Well I found out today that some HEAVY hitters are watching NLG but they need proof that PoW2 and SegSig is being released. Hold tight this could be a ride of a life time.
The heavy hitters will have a new look by the time it's released.