I don't see where is "Omni" written in the original address?
Just look at transactions. Blockchair can even decode that and show you details related to Omni Layer:
"txid": "1be33473aa7fd41e75a1d7e3000a45b2ff8e394b486a9534e4a4600ff4146c6b",
"hash": "1be33473aa7fd41e75a1d7e3000a45b2ff8e394b486a9534e4a4600ff4146c6b",
"version": 1,
"size": 257,
"vsize": 257,
"weight": 1028,
"locktime": 0,
"vin": [
"txid": "ded898b25fa3e536cf4cb2a102488abecc2f3bc2bd0315a74f305fcc6dd5361a",
"vout": 0,
"scriptSig": {
"asm": "3045022100d0808a9222507fc960e77b6ff074f41096e8d553455b938d74098bd87136e48a022020146378fdf43ed7dea3541fee0ea206fa036897c8bd41c77996ef5d269e5c46[ALL] 030651e1d15ae9a284ffd712885529d3344db3700be756e6c22c56a6c1b57d359d",
"hex": "483045022100d0808a9222507fc960e77b6ff074f41096e8d553455b938d74098bd87136e48a022020146378fdf43ed7dea3541fee0ea206fa036897c8bd41c77996ef5d269e5c460121030651e1d15ae9a284ffd712885529d3344db3700be756e6c22c56a6c1b57d359d"
"sequence": 4294967295
"vout": [
"value": 0.00427136,
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 b64513c1f1b889a556463243cca9c26ee626b9a0 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a914b64513c1f1b889a556463243cca9c26ee626b9a088ac",
"address": "1HckjUpRGcrrRAtFaaCAUaGjsPx9oYmLaZ",
"type": "pubkeyhash",
"addresses": [
"reqSigs": 1
"value": 0.00000546,
"n": 1,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 69bb7659642f5217887351e6a9ccbc45ccd0938d OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a91469bb7659642f5217887351e6a9ccbc45ccd0938d88ac",
"address": "1Ae4XFaCWSVsxdyGBWArfAepWwa99Lmskx",
"type": "pubkeyhash",
"addresses": [
"reqSigs": 1
"value": 0,
"n": 2,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_RETURN 6f6d6e69000000000000001f00000014f540a380",
"hex": "6a146f6d6e69000000000000001f00000014f540a380",
"type": "nulldata"
At the end you have "OP_RETURN 6f6d6e69000000000000001f00000014f540a380" and "6f6d6e69" is "omni". The rest are 16 bytes related to the Omni Layer. So you can type the same transaction ID in Omni Explorer and get some details:
https://omniexplorer.info/search/1be33473aa7fd41e75a1d7e3000a45b2ff8e394b486a9534e4a4600ff4146c6bEdit: I guess they used 0.00000546 BTC, because it was the minimal amount then, when Omni was created. But if they could use zero satoshi here, then I think they would do that. The whole idea is to get some representation of a token directly on Bitcoin, that is spendable. If you can create zero satoshis on-chain and if it is standard, then you can create tokens and exchange directly between Bitcoin and Altcoin in a single transaction!
For example imagine doing something like that:
| Alice 50.01 BTC -> Alice 0.00 BTC |
| Bob 0.00 BTC Bob 50.00 BTC |
Then, "0.00 BTC" can represent for example "1000.00 ALT" and you can atomically trade on-chain. In this case, Alice sold 50 BTC to Bob for 1000 ALT.
Your idea of destroying or moving small coins somewhere else can break such things. You would think you destroyed 0.00000546 BTC, when in reality you would destroy also some altcoins or other tokens you know nothing about. Also, your idea means using zero satoshis will be impossible or pointless, so that would break many future protocols (like fractional satoshis on-chain, NFT's on Bitcoin, atomic trades between tokens on Bitcoin, etc.).