I've actually been thinking about doing something like this. I've made numerous suggestions to help improve the forum both publicly and privately in the staff forum, but I don't think a single one has been commented on by theymos in years. Some may be bad ideas or ineffective or ultimately counter-productive that would never be implemented but I never know whether theymos thinks they're good or bad or whether I'm just wasting my time even pursuing them but they should at least be discussed. I would honestly rather him just call the ideas terrible at this point so I can move on with something else and stop wasting my time. Some things like requiring a merit achievement to become a Junior Member and removing signatures from lower ranks aren't disruptive to anyone's freedoms at all and would help greatly and both many staff and users seem to agree. Punishing badly run campaigns also needs to happen. In fact, the signature campaign guidelines thread was even signed off by theymos but he never ended up enforcing them despite several requests.
What I was thinking of is opening a thread where people can make suggestions in a short, concise sentence or two. Once all the suggestions have been made they're all put in another thread and users can vote on which ones they think are a good idea and the ones that get a vote are pushed up to the top and are then ordered by how popular they are. No need do down-vote things as the least popular ones will fall to the bottom. Thus we will be able to see what sort of suggestions are backed by the community or not. There's of course a chance theymos again won't take any notice at all but we really can't keep our heads in the sand for much longer as the forum is overtaken by one liner sig spammers, bots and farmers almost 100%.
Dude... I swear to lord,i was planning to create a thread compiling all of bitcointalk issues, so far this is what I have come up with :
- Very slow axcount recovery
- Horrible security features
- Account farming and shitposting bots.
- Modless off-topic board.
- No official rules, no guidelines for signature managers.
- Useless legendary rank. (It has no perks
- 24 hour cool down button for deleting posts being loopholed by using self moderated thread.
- Bots using spinbots or article spinners.
- Intangible new bitcointalk forum.
^Bitcointalk issues. I'll edit this to add more perhaps.