The latest news concerning the arrest of Telegram CEO now is that Telegram will share users IP addresses and phone numbers to the governments when legally required.
First of all, could you share the source of the news? I think it will be better if you share the link of the news.
Anyway, which government to be shared by Telegram? Will Telegram to share the data of each user to every government in the world?
Honestly, it is not really clear for me. But I can understand that it will be never safe to share any private data to social media platform, including Telegram.
If telegram only share the data of IP address, I think it is no problem. Even telegram doesn't share it to government, they government will easily know it. But sharing the phone numbers to the government, it seems a bit annoying. No sure why telegram wants to share this kind of information. Is telegram a part of government platform now?
Do you think it is the end for anything privacy in crypto space?
I don't think so. There will be still a chance of privacy in crypto space as long as it isn't fully controlled by the government. Even we may have less of our privacy, but it doesn't destroy fully by the government. At least, the government will never know how much we hold cryptos. And what crypto coins we are holding. The government still has no way to know this.