Well strong evolution where we have capitalism and call ourselves free beings, while we live in capitalism, who basically restricts evolution, holds people in cage and makes them slaves. That is for someone evolution? First we must then open eyes and see that we live in "modern version of totalitarianism and feudalism" with slightly changed roles. One third is tax, kings are presidents, prime ministers are lords etc etc. Do I need to go on? Do you see how much is same, but nicely renamed? You still think we are so free? In what way? We just believe we are.
Religion is what you sense and what you feel, not only your hopes and your desire or need. Need leads to greed, your sense and feeling not, if is clean and honest. So I believe in religion, not because what people tell or church, its because what I feel, and sense. Every person must and do sense something sooner or later.
evolution requires free people (animals and plants) to compete to each other to have winner and profits for the selections, while god requires from people to cooperate and complement to each other for benefits (and probits) .... you are correct and right .... einstein requires from us, good people, to do something ... could you presume to be our secular god and we will help you in your efforts .. to realize any achievements?
................ solution found by me .....................................................: Individually!.
Private will compete and render services with more talented and completed effects!. Locally!.
Public (social-state-national) will stall and give minimum required services to citizens!. Nationally!.
Provident (divine providence in experience fund with a zillion dollars) will complement to!. Universally!.
Fulcrum salary of $10K/y for each individual born! All taxes paid in advance on January 01 of a year!
I think we can control inflation!. If it goes up then we press it down! If down then up!.
If, say, an institution can not do something, that could be done by the charismation!.
We can unite the world (mainly) in 4D: Disaster, Domination, Dialog and Divination!.
For last 20 years I am developing a paradigm: "Divine Universalism"! Are we ready?.
Muslim Islam, Christian Capitalism, Communist Socialism, Divine Universalism .... !?!