Well I think we need to keep cool heads for know until we can sort out what is really going on.
Poster of this thread only has 5 posts so it's not like we can assume he/she has a sterling reputation or that the screenshot is even real if the message isn't up right now.
That is all you have to say for this? That this image is fake?
It is either a direct potential scam or a
huge honest mistake (just for the benefit of the doubt) with no announcement regarding the matter from Scharmbeck ever since.
Right now it looks like Scharmbeck is trying to ignore it ever happened, sweep it under the carpet and avoid taking any form of liability.
I spoke with Gudmunsn today on IRC. He confirmed that, the message was real. He overreacted to the new fincen rules and panicked then changed his mind.
Apparently they are still open for business and processing transactions.
Some of the lack of communication yesterday and today was caused by the IRC chat being DDOS'd, I can confirm this myself.
When someone with low post count comes on the forum and starts spreading FUD you have to be cautious There are tons of sock puppets on this forum and without a post history you can go back and look at, you can't just assume that the poster is being honest.