I’ve looked a bit further into how long it took for accounts to obtain their first Merit, and unless I’ve messed-up somewhere, this is what the overall data looks like:
I’ve compared the date of the first received Merit against the date of the account’s creation if greater than 25/01/2018, or the 25/01/2018 if the account was created before this date (date when the Merit System kicked-off (*)).
It surprises me the amount of accounts that, overall, have been merited "as soon as possible", in a day range of [0..1] days with regards to the above definition). A lot of this happened on the first days of the Merit System, but still.
Due to the above, I took a look specifically at accounts created during 2023, with the following results:
Though the numerical base is now logically smaller, the percentage of accounts that get merited on same day or the following after their creation is way more than I’d expect. Most 2023 merited accounts are receiving their first Merit within 30 days, with only 21,8% after this period of time. Of course this is a running year, so data is still moving, and accounts still being created (or very recent).
2022 created accounts:
I’ve left the base data here if anyone wants to take a deeper look into it:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ATURn8YgMo5MtFxeiwx6F25JzVewQaRQkTe3-aqmOXA/edit?usp=sharingI considered throwing the Rank into the charts, but didn’t want to overcomplicate it here on this thread (i.e. to see how a concrete rank played with the time to receive the first Merit).
In any case, not all late first merited accounts suffer later down the road. I’ve seen in the data accounts taking over half a year to receive their first Merit and then becoming Legendary later on. It all depends on the effort and time one can put into the forum (plus a bit of savoir faire I guess).
- (*) Technically, the Merit system kicked-off late on the 24/01/2018 (forum time –> late UTC), where 127 accounts received their first Merit. For the sake of simplification, I’ve assumed that these 127 accounts were merited of the 25th.
- I’m also performing a simple datediff in days, not performing the calculations in hours (i.e. if someone created an account late on the 01/01/2023, and received his first merit early on the 02/01/2023, this counts a 1 day to receiving the first merit (although technically only a few hours).
- Obviously, accounts considered here are those that have been merited at some point.
- Other interesting stuff could be breaking the data by the board where the first Merit was received, Meriter, etc.