- For 2 Years, the topic "look at what debt they have" - leaves the stage, and becomes of no interest to anyone
The debt increases the amount of money that needs to be printed. At the time of default, drastic and unconstitutional measures to decrease inflation and monetary supply are taken. Including impositions on the people, and on trade. Yes, people will always look at the debt and say "wow"...rightfully so. However, it becomes a much more important topic when a default is on the table.
- In two years, in the worst case, it will simply repeat itself with the same decision. Everyone will watch a great show, someone will raise a populist war, but that's it
not true. It is at a detrimental point now where default is truly on the cards and the creditors of the United States are in a position of power to take over the country. This is much different to the past, and in 2 years it will be a much different debate to today.
- In 2 years, the US economy can really adapt and solve the problem of growing debt. If not, they will print more money, and again the problem will be solved. This is not even a problem, it is most likely to be attributed to the "features" of the US economy.
not true. The dollar will continue to devalue from monetary policy, yes. However, this will not solve its problems forever. If so, then why would anyone be worried? I think it would be unwise to believe that raising the debt limit will be raised every 2 years from now.
I will not argue, it is pointless, you assess the situation based on the expectation of a default, and you will not accept the arguments. I will write only one thing - NOTHING WILL HAPPEN
And I will answer your answers:
1-3. There is no default and never will be. Now the whole world is preparing for a recession and another global crisis. ALL countries have problems, not the US and the dollar. And that's okay!
2. The seizure of power in the US, especially by "creditors", is a very good joke
Are we talking about internal debt? About the outside? Well, try to describe the scenario of "seizure" of power. Halfway through, you yourself will understand the problem of this fantasy.