My opinion is that Based on coronavirus' structure the only way that its going to be controlled is either everyone get through it or everyone to be vaccinated. like In the hystory of mankind there are several examples of diseases like plague etc. etc. that where gotten through the same way.Theres no other way to be controlled.
About half of the people world-wide cannot get it because they have effective immunity due to years prior coronavirus infections. Another very large percent already had SARS-cov-2 coronavirus infection and never noticed it because it is so mild.
Some fraction (including me) certainly noticed something, but it wasn't nearly bad enough to seek medical attention or anything like that. Just a day-or-two-long common cold with some unusual characteristics.
SARS-cov-2 had mostly run it's course worldwide well before the end of 2020 moving through different areas and impacting them for a several month cycle. No different than any other coronavirus which crop up as the common cold every several years. Since 2020 'covid' has been mostly a combination of phony 40+ cycle PCR testing which comes up hot for anyone who has had the infection in the past several years, or anyone who has a bit of dead nucleatide floating around. Could be just contamination in the lab, and the labs are set up specifically to keep the plandemic alive psychologically in the minds of the sheeple. Similarly, deaths from anything are counted as 'covid' when the bureaucrats are instructed to get the numbers to where they are needed.
Put another way, even with all of the (pneumonia causing) masks, alcohol, 'social distancing', and everything else designed to make people sick and scared, '
herd immunity' to SARS-cov-2 was reached before year 2021.
SARS-cov-2 is a lab creation with a lot of genetic inserts from the HIV on the spike protein coding itself. The spike protein does seem to, in it's own right, create some form of AID (Acquired Immune Deficiency) and that does seem to be a factor impacting people who've had the infection. But the mRNA (packaged in lipid nanoparticles or coded for in DNA in the cases of J&J AstraZeneca, Sputnik, etc) re-programs the bodies cells to create the same spike protein as does the virus with the same genetic inserts, and people who got the injection seem to exhibit what I call JAIDS (for Jab Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) much more so than people who got the 'natural' infection.
The phenomenon of immune deficiency seems to build over time and more and more people are seeing the effects as the initial jabs mature and the boosters go in. Already all-cause mortality in the jabbed is exceeding that of the non-jabbed in an observable manner, and there is no reason to believe that the trend won't continue.