Corona virus is a disease that rocked the world in the year 2019 and 2020,Although it treatment and it vaccine is discovered,but the disease is still posing threat on some parts of the world,making them feel that the virus is coming back again to rock and spread all over again,but the good news is that,in as much as we hear,understand that the vaccine is able to treat the disease,then I don't see the reason why the people of the world will get panick.
Hard to gather enogh energy and takes more than a single deep breath to response to that much nonsens. Even in the most outlandish fantasy world will any vaccine treat any disease.
In the case of the covid the so called vaccine it is claimed to make covid less dramatic when you get covid. Obviously that is a claim what can never be proven, pure and utter junk of a claim, zero science.
Covid Vaccine does NOT provide immunity to the virus
Covid Vaccine does NOT protect from getting the virus
Covid Vaccine does NOT reduce death form infection
Covid Vaccine does NOT reduce circulation of the viurs
Covid Vaccine does NOT reduce transmission of the virus
The Covid Vaccine can potentially make you very very ill
Bayer's Pharmaceuticals President "The MRNA vaccinations are an example of cell and gene therapy".