This thread is not discussing the WHY but the HOW - why can't you keep your opinions to yourself? This is not a WHY thread but a HOW thread? (not why lock your coins but HOW to lock them).
Please save your opinions to yourself if you cannot contribute to the purpose of the thread.
Locking the bitcoins means that you are not allowed to withdraw for a certain time. If you really want this and still want full control over your coins, I will suggest to move those coins to a new wallet and keep the secret key in some lock and throw the key away. When you need those coins, you need to break that lock in order to get the secret key. I know this may seems ridiculous to you but that's the best way rather than trusting any 3rd party website.
I also prefer this method than trusting it in a third party especially if we are talking about a huge amount of money, since you are going to lock it for 24 hours, it's better to do this method you can try it or do an experiment, than paying for a third party, I don't tthink we have this kind of service right now and I doubt there is a company that will set up one for a short period of time like 24 hours.