With this you are prone to lose money you haven't earned yet then you will sleep on unsurmountable debt. So don't put yourself in a position that will get you in a worse situation. Prime your environment and the things you use. It is applicable also in your finances. Make it difficult for yourself to access you credit card and connect it with online casinos.
However crypto is a good tool to hide your identity, it is also the same to the other side of your transactions. There is no data to follow wether you get scammed get fooled. That's why many people say BTC is double edge sword. Higher risk, higher reward.
That is the danger if we use a credit card where the credit card company guarantees our money but we have to return the money we used to gamble to the company at the end of the month. It is highly not recommended because we don't know how much money we can lose in gambling, especially if we cannot control ourselves by using money to gamble.
I agree that BTC is a double edged sword. So the use of BTC itself depends on us. We want to use it for things that bring us good or instead for things that bring us bad. We choose it.
In terms of security I think crypto doesn't guarantee any security either.
But if security in the sense of secure personal data is indeed safer crypto in terms of anonymous gambling without involving a credit card.
The risk of someone who uses a credit card to gamble is very large because he can become an aggressive addict without control which in the end spends the money that is on his credit card.
Maybe it doesn't guarantee security, but at least we can feel safe when using it because no one knows about the use of the crypto we have. And for data security, I think it depends on where we want to submit personal data for verification. But if you use a credit card, at least the bank will know the flow of funds in your account and the bank can ask you about their use.