It is being reflected from your question that you are about to create an altcoin with a wide distribution.
If I'm not wrong then please correct me.
You are right.
I'd love to do that. The only question is my capability to do that.
Do you offer any help ?
I have an idea of very fair and wide distribution and I need someone to implement website for that.
It is not going to be country drop or anything like we've seen before.
We can just distribute NXT asset, so no need for another crypto platform development or cloning.
Well didn't NEM alfeady try to do something like this, a fair distribution? And how did this end?
Look, crypto is used by small number of people. Let's take a number of 1 million for the sake of argument. When this thing really take of and if in 10 years we will have 1 billion users worldwide, don't you think they can argue how those 1 million of early adopters are lucky and how it's not fair that they got into crypto and the rest of 1 billion didn't get in that early?
The point is, is the fair distribution ever possible?
Yes, it is possible to distribute fairly. One way is permanent sell order with constant fiat price (or oil or gold price if fiat becomes too volatile). That asset must be redeemable back to fiat that was invested into it. Just like gold standard, but with fiat being in place of gold.
Yes, getting lucky doing nothing is unfair, but, of course, very desirable by most people including me.
Limited time distribution is unfair too because it rewards only those who spent time on forums during specific time frame.
I don't believe NEM was fair at least because it was limited time distribution.
Can I get NEM same way as initial stakeholders after I know it is real and functioning and not scam ? The answer is no and this is why it's unfair. If I buy it, but someone got it for free, he can always sell cheaper than me, so here goes my risk and I don't want to gamble. I am interested in preservation of savings without risk - that is how fair distribution should work. People should have an option to just convert their savings into crypto hoping that it will preserve value just like gold after fiat crash or massive confiscation.
It is unfair to ask somebody to risk losing money in exchange for possible luck.
Distribution should not involve gambling. The goal of distribution is not to make few lucky rich. But, of course, devs who made it possible should become rich and well deserve such reward.
Why is time of distribution always have to be limited ? Why not keep distributing for the same price forever or at least until it becomes mainstream covering at least billion people ?
This is actually what Satoshi intended to achieve, but failed only because of too simple algo that prevented it to be wide and fair.
But I started this topic without word "fair". I started it with word "wide", which is different. Wide distribution solves problem of centralization. Fair distribution solves problem of malinvestment - giving money to less productive people.
Wide does not have to cover more than 1% of world population, but fair does.
Currently the only thing that prevents me from putting all my retirement savings into crypto is gambling risk. Remove it and you will see flood of money into crypto instead of useless gold, GLD, SLV, stocks, etc.