I was very excited when I stumbled upon this site but as I become more acquainted with the terminology and increase my overall understanding of this strangely wonderful market, I can't help but wonder where the profit might be and why are there so many free coins on their list? If one could actually profit from the collection of these "shitcoins", wouldn't it be more popular?
I know my post is all over the place. It does accurately portray my mixed feelings on the topic though.
Thank You if you made it through this jumbled up post and double thanks for any knowledge you may impart on to me.
You are completely wasting your time on spending shit coins because you need to find their ANN in bitcointalk and go through it whether it is worth able are not before collecting in the yobit faucets. Instead of wasting on shit coin in yobit,almost many coins in yobit are already at 1 satoshi.